(-) Prologue.

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Lucius Malfoy sat upright in his seat at the dinner table, the smooth, dark marble tracing vein-like entrails linside of the rock solid surface. The clinking of cutlery against glass rang out as a familiar, dangerous breathing pattern stopped abruptly, inhaling loudly. The source of the disruption stared upon his inferiors, beaming devilishly.

"It has come to my attention," Voldemort spoke, his tone nothing short of cold and entitled. "That we have.. let's see.. compromises - yes, that shall do - to be discussed."

A wide smile spread, ear-to-ear, across Bellatrix Lestrange's pale face. Mattheo Riddle shifted uncomfortably in his seat, the healing scars decorating what was left of his faded Dark Mark stinging. He suddenly felt a craving for a roll of gaus, and maybe some aloe, too.

"My son - my very own son -" Voldemort emitted disappointed chuckles at his son's actions. Mattheo kept his eyes on his untouched, lukewarm pork. "Has betrayed us. Has betrayed me," Bellatrix scoffed angrily. Lucius narrowed his eyes at Mattheo and Draco shot him a quick sympathetic look, covering it with a scowl just as suddenly when Fenrir Grayback made a face at him.

"It is my belief that Mattheo here-" He motioned a long, bony finger at his son "-has given information about our whereabouts to the Order of the Phoenix. Dumbledore's little defense club," He spat the last part, beads of saliva flying from his thin lips.

"Naturally, Mattheo has already faced light consequences," Voldemort started. Mattheo felt like crying. His arm stung, his Dark Mark might cause him to end his own life before his father could merely touch him, and now he has to discuss a compromise. Whatever that means.

"Stand, Mattheo." Voldemort demanded. Mattheo did as he was told, refute booming in his mind. "Show them your Mark."

Mattheo removed his blazer and rolled up the sleeve of his fancy black flannel. He cringed at the cold air of Malfoy Manor biting his warm, bloodied flesh as his Dark Mark and the scars on top of it sat idle, on full display, acting as warning decorations for his surroundings. He watched Draco's eyes turn fearful and horrified. Mattheo gave his friend a look that read don't. It isn't your fault.

Bellatrix's smile faded and her expression molded into one of shock and curiosity. "Ooh, what does that say?" She asked, not giving a care in the world about Mattheo's potential trauma associated with his wounds. She motioned for Mattheo to come closer. He did as he was asked, not willing to deal with further "consequences". She jerked his arm to the side. He winced and his hand flew to his shoulder. He would have to pop that back into socket later.

"Traitor," Bellatrix read. Mattheo nodded. He inhaled sharply as her whiskey-stained fingers traced the lines adorning his skin, her touch becoming wet with his blood. She smeared the redness around before pulling her hand away. "Couldn't have said it better myself." She concluded.

Mattheo returned to his seat, deciding his father's Death Eaters have seen enough on his own. Voldemort looked at him, satisfied.

"Mattheo, boy.. you will either die at dawn," Voldemort started threateningly. "Or you will live for forty more days with an oppritunity." Mattheo's head shot up. He still had time, he could save himself!

"In that small time span, Elio Daine will fall in love with you. Not by her choice, but by yours. It is your duty to ensure that she will give into you," Voldemort said. "Would you like to take that bargain, or die tomorrow morning as I stated?"

Mattheo blinked. A million thoughts ran through his mind at once.

"Yeah, uh.. I'll make her love me," He decided without real, in-depth thought.

"Good, good. The Daines are a good, Ravenclaw, pureblood family. And although Ravenclaw is not my bias, it is better than Hufflepuff scum you have attempted at before," Voldemort said scornfully. Mattheo glared at his father. He was referring to Hannah Abbott, a sweet Hufflepuff girl he had dated for a few months a year prior. She made him happy (and vice-versa), and they only broke up because of Voldemort in the first place. Mattheo's just happy to see she's over him and getting on alright.

"Your mission starts as soon as you board the train to Hogwarts. After you arrive, if you do not complete your assignment in forty days' time," Voldemort paused, looking Mattheo dead in the pits of his dark eyes, corners of his lips turning upwards in glee.

"You die, and so does she."

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