𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓢𝓲𝔁

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Eddie put his hand on Richie's cheek. "I must go in the morning."

"Lucky it is not even night fall." Richie put his hands on Eddie's hips. "I can go with you. Must be lonely looking for the lost prince yourself. Or even better you stay here with me."

Eddie kissed Richie's jaw. "I can not have someone with me. I only have six months to find him or they will have my head I can't stay here."

"The kingdom is not that big. You will find him in that time." Richie looked at Eddie. 

Eddie rubbed his thumb over Richie's cheek. "Why do I hardly know you but it feels so right with you?"

Richie melted into Eddie's touch. "I do not know..." Richie put his hand over Eddie's. "But I feel it too."

Eddie sat back down on the bed and pulled Richie with him. Richie put his head on Eddie's shoulder. "I would want to stay with you..."

"Than do..." Richie took Eddie's hand. "Maybe say you fell ill during this time."

Eddie looked at their hands. "I will stay with you." Richie kissed Eddie.

The next morning

Eddie woke up first, still holding Richie close to him still holding him naked. He just laid there and watched Richie sleep. He was peaceful when he was sleeping, snored, but still peaceful. Eddie haven't ever had a night that was so calm and gentle as last night, he thought he didn't deserve it, he thought maybe Richie could show him that he was wrong about that.

Richie woke up a little after Eddie. Richie looked back at Eddie and kissed him softly. "Good morning Eds."

"Don't call me that."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't like it."

"Hm well I like it." Richie kissed Eddie's cheek.

"Maybe I will just leave." Eddie let go of Richie.

Richie turned around and wrapped his arms and legs around Eddie. "No. Don't go."

Eddie looked at Richie and kissed the top of his head. "Fine. You have convinced me."

Richie smiled and kissed Eddie's chest softly. "Shall I make us breakfast?"

"I do love a good breakfast." Eddie played with Richie's hair. "But I do not want you to get up."

"I do make a really good breakfast." Richie ran his hand up Eddie's chest. "We can stay in bed while we eat and there after."

"Sounds good to me." Richie smiled and kissed Eddie softly before getting up and making breakfast. "You could not have put on any clothes before you did that?" Eddie looked at Richie up and down.

"You have a problem with that?"

"To be honest not really."

"That is what I thought." Richie continued making breakfast.

Three weeks later

"Stan...I really must go...it has been too long..."

"You don't need to..."

"I really must...I have five months to find the prince..."

"You don't have to leave me...I can come with you...please we can stay together..." Richie put his hand on Eddie's cheek. "Let me stay with you Eddie..."

"I have to do my job..." Eddie leaned into Richie's hand. "I need to go..." Eddie kissed Richie softly. "Let me go...I will come back and see you..."

"I will miss you..."

"I will miss you to my darling..." Eddie kissed Richie's forehead.

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