Evil Schemes

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I sat in my queen sized bed on my computer wearing my "pink" grey sweats && a white tank top . Imani told me she would later tell me why she said what she said .. So I called her .

Phone convo:


Imani-"yea hey boo .. You good?"

"Yes I'm straight .. What chu had to tell me ?"

Imani-"there's some fishy shit going on ."

"Whatchu mean?"

Imani-"I think Royal is up to something."

"How you know?"

Imani-"I got my goons working on it."

"Mann well keep me updated!"

Imani-"Ight boo .. Love ya"

"Love ya too hoe"

&& with that we hung up .. Whatever Royal THINK she's getting away with she's not .


I sat in my room trying to think of a plan because Terrell got me all the way fucked up . So I hit up a close friend of mine && told her I had a little job for her to do That involved money . Of course she obliged . But I'll deal with that in the A.M


The next morning

I got out my bed && did my daily hygiene . I put on a comfy jog suit && a pear of Jordan's && hit up my friend Armania to tell her meet me at the frozen yogurt place .

Once I got there I waited for her .

She walked through the door && I gave her a hug cause I missed my bitch && I had to fill her in on the 411.

"Bitchhhhhhhhhh I missed you!!!" I said excited to see my friend .

Armania- "My nigga! Was good ?!"

"Girl I got so much to tell you!"

Armania-"aww lawd lemme sit down."

We say for about 2 hours catching up . Then I told her about Terrell .

Armania-"girl that's a lot !! But whatchu goin do ? Cause you can't let a bitch nor nigga play witchu like that!"

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about." I said with a devious smile .

"So .. What would you say if I payed you $20,000 to fuck with Terrell && his girl?"

Armania-"$20,000?! Bitch I'd do it for $20!!! Fuckin right !"

See this why I fucks wit her .

"Great! Work your magic && keep me updated"

Armania-"I gotchu !"

I pulled out the stack of $100 bills && gave it to her .

We then parted ways && I walked out of there feeling unstoppable .

That'll teach hoes not to fuck wit me !

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