Am I that popular?

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I walked into the lobby of our school, Gled Andrews high school. Immediately I noticed that something didn't feel right. Maybe I'm special, but I can tell if something is wrong, and something was definitely wrong. I rushed to my locker, when I tripped on something to see that there was a foot pushed out behind me. I got up and ran, and saw someone had spray painted on my locker SLUT it read in big red letters, still dripping and wet. No doubt Stevan had been the mastermind behind this.

Stevan Anthony Lawerence, and oh, how if you forgot Anthony he would remind you: "Its Stevan ANTHONY Lawerence! You retard!" Steven, now that I looked at him through clear eyes, was REALLY creepy looking. Imagine a perverted balding goblin with a shitty goatee, that's Steven. I was young when I got with him, Okay? Stop judging me! Would you love a... pardon my french, Bastard like him? I didn't think so.

I ran to home room where I sat with Emilie and Julia, and Lucas. I sat down next to Emilie, her red brown hair pulled into a doughnut bun wearing her leggings and crop top. "Hey! You came!" She whisper yelled. "Why wouldn't I? It's the last day of school, and tomorrow I'll be on a plane to England." I said dreamily.

Lucas poked is head out from behind where he sat with Julia. "What is this I hear of going to England?" Lucas had longer blonde hair and always wore sports clothing. He was the kind of person to throw a frisbee very far because he wanted to... And then the frisbee would hit a child, true story! Julia walked in and came to my rescue and saved me to share the details, "We're all going to my parents flat in London. It's a GIRLS summer Lucas, sorry." It was kinda weird how she dressed so preppy, kind of like the grown up in our group.

"Oh! You know I speaks English bestest!" He stayed sarcastically. "Actually that was very bad English and...oh." Julia doesn't really pick up on sarcasm very well, so, it's an awkward situation for everyone. I winced and thought, I wish she was more socially un-awkward, then I thought about me, and discarded that thought. "Please! I promise I'll be out of your hair for most the trip!"

"C'mon Julia! The more the merrier right?" Emilie suggested slyly almost daring her. "I..I...guess?" Julia said tentitavly. "Oui! C'est Bon!" Lucas said and did his little happy danced, which included a lot of pelvic thrusts. A LOT of thrusts.

As soon as the school day ended, I realized, a few people were staring at me. No, make that the whole hallway. Am I that popular? I turned a full 360, to see that EVERYONE was whispering.

"What?" I dared them. Until I turned a little more and came face to face with a fucking ugly person, named Stevan Anthony Lawerence (At least I remembered the Anthony).

A book written by a middle schooler: my embarrassment that I can't part from Where stories live. Discover now