Starting off really fast

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...You where a veteran test subject, almost where you first found this job in a poster...but why did you sign this? Ugh...atleast you weren't completely damaged just a few bandages happen there and there...will something change now?...

You wake up of a sound of lights closing, you can't tell if it's lights off or a black out so you went up to your cell door too tell if was opened but you felt something warm...something soft but you came to your realise it was a kaiju! You jump out of surprise as it came close to you, but it stopped and fell felt that if you push it away you'll probably be dead so you treated it for a chance to be spared, you look around it's body to see 5 knives at its back! You plucked them out as you felt the dark blue semi-liquid goop drip down in its wound and grab the bandage box and  wrap around the kaijus body...the bandages digs in the kaiju until you can't see it anymore so you put it on your mattress for it to heal

1 hour later

It woke up and groans as it weakly stands up, he looks at you as a moment of silence happens and you see it's hands scrunch up making you shiver down, he the pounces to you! He was so heavy that you fell down to the ground making your head burn and after that your eyes fix up, the kaiju speaks up and says

What did you do to me? Why am I here?

His voice was very deep and hot which makes you blush all the way to your head

Speak to me! Ugh why did you drag me out of my base!?

You replied

Uh- y-you came in here with 5 knives behind y-your back

He takes a moment of thought and realises and kinda blushed and looks away, it made you confused 

E-erm sorry...

The kaiju wags it tail but it looked and sounded in a mad voice

U-uh look at my eyes brat! You know why i came here!?

You gulp and replied no

Well that's good...

You sigh in relief and get up, you lay down on your mattress but the kaiju wraps around you...his fur brushes against you as he fidgets with your hands, his legs are perfectly aligned behind your legs as his head breathe next to your neck

You question why

Sigh I gotta do a favour from not understanding plus I don't know how you guys get warmth

You realised that yea! You don't have blankets and you haven't been really warm for the past 3 months

You get up to your "freezer" and get a flavour mix pack and get a cup to fill up with water and when you did you open the packet and drop down the mixture in the water, you mix it and take a sip of it before pouring it all out or realise the packet was expired so you spilled it all out in the sink and place the cup with the other unclean cups

You realise the kaiju was still here so you opened the door 

Well you can get out now and go to your so called base

...He leaves without a word...

You close the door and wait for next the next test to realise it was the figs and plantix!

You follow the guards and enter the cell to see a horde waiting in front of you! Seems they heard who's coming and it was you! You where ordered to tell what the figs horns made of but it seems the other plantix and figs had other plans, they layed you'd own on a smooth bush which seems to be only leaves and a pillow on top of that, you realised what they wanted to you to have fun with them!

You sighed and accepted because you brang a lot of troubles (like brining in a flamethrower)

💀🍋 Very low detailed lemon 🍋🪦

started to cling your hands on the bed to find a slightly big plantix starting to drop down your pants

They wag their tail and start poking their tounge

You layed your stomach down in the pillow

They wag even more and started to dig in on your ass with their (druh) as they rub your back

They start to go deeper each turn as you start to cling on the pillow hard

And now you start to give it in and start to moan hardly and loudly

It was silent only crisp popping sounds and your deep moans where heard and thankfully the scientist weren't watching, instead they where off for lunch after a few minutes they lay down panting as the big one thrust in your weakened body, after that you knew the figs horns where just hardened goo

End of lemon 😀

You got up and wrote it down in your note your self and left the note at the scientist table and left

End of chapter 1

-Kaiju x reader x panther ig (reopen but very slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now