Her name?(Part 5)

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Five took Ray around showing him all kinds of creatures that existed in the demon world.They vatied from large to small.Cute to down right demonic. Eh. Scratch that they were all messed up with in some way or another. Even the 'Adorable' squirrel was a apparently a blood sucking carnivore.Needless to say it had shocked Ray to see the innocent creature covered in blood(and God knows what kind of flesh) come to a unnaturally calm Five who just let him rest on her shoulder despite looking like bloody hell(literally)

So after being terrified yet again,Ray was taken by Five to a pitch black cave.What could go wrong? After all,he had already seen seen a gigantic deer  or wendigo was a better way to put it as despite Five saying it was practically harmless and only ate TREE BARK it looked like it would with out hesitation wipe out your entire bloodline. And a whole lot of homicidal creatures Five called were PREY.What could possibly go wrong?

Apparently a lot. So he followed Five,holding her hand cause Five could some how see in the dark and he could not. Trusting his very soul to a stranger who could most likely be a threat.This went on for a few minutes until something he got caught in something."Five! I got in some sticky thing." Five turned around to face him." Oh...I guess we could say u have tangled yourself into quite the sticky situation." The slight seriousness in her voice was missed by Ray.

"Hah...Five stop joking. Agh..what am I even stuck in." Ray says as he struggles against whatever he's stuck in." I recommend  u stop moving around cause you are gaining quite a lot of attention." Five says.Ray knew that the best decision here was to listen to Five. He didn't have any choice but to trust her to free him. He was essentially helpless and he hated it. But why should he not move? He was about to ask Five but the sun decided to be oh so very kind and shine light on the situation.(literally)

He was stuck in a spider web.A giant spider web. Stealthily a yellow spider easily twice his size approached from the darkness. Five readied herself to pounce at worst case scenario. Ray stayed still.Not a move not a reaction.Though there was slight fear in his eyes.He knew how to hide and not be suspicious.How to carefully trick and manipulate predators into giving up was his speciality after all.

The spider waited expecting the web to viberate.Time inched slowly, None of them lowered their guard in case the spider decided to try something.After a few minutes that felt like eternity the spider eventually retreated  back. Without realising Ray let out a breathe of relief.Five used her pocket knife to cut off the web and free Ray.

"I am a bit surprised.I thought you would get scared and struggle against the web. I originally planned to not tell u what exactly happened till we left but maybe you can handle a lot more than I thought. Impressive but also unusual. You are not just a normal escapee are you Ray?"

Five was answered with silence. "Hahaha, not much of a talker are we?I guess that's fine." 'Well I never really wanted to interact much with him or his family anyway.I will give him some basic knowledge,a weapon or two and teach him to gain strength in till I find his family.After that we will never cross paths again.'

"Five.Why are we here?" Ray asks snapping Five out of her thoughts. "Oh.right, I need to tell you about these places.You can memorize what I say right?"Five confirms before she starts to explain.Ray gives her a nod of confirmation so she can continue talking.

"In this cave there are nice ores that I can use to  make you a weapon and you know the spider we just encountered, There web when dipped in water lose their stickiness and can be used as strings..."Five explains all the animals and all they can provide and be used for. "Any questions?" Five asks to make sure Ray understood.

"You mentioned making a weapon for me right? May I ask why would you go to such lengths when we don't even know each other?" Ray asks slowly regretting asking he should have just kept quiet and be greatful.

"Hmm...There is no way for u to survive without fighting. After all this world is all about the survival of the fittest.So I will put u through physical training and you will figure out how to use the weapon. You should know by now that I don't carry any weapons than this machete, I have no experience with weapons but I am strong enough without one, you on the other hand you would easily die."Throughtout the explanation Five never turned to look at Ray.

Ray Pov

I can't ever tell what she is thinking. Such a mystery but what made her so guarded? There is no way it's just the stress of surviving, perhaps survivor's guilt? She did mention that she was the only one that escaped. Could she have not been able to save her family? Is she hoping I would stay with her if I owed my survival to her?...Maybe I shouldn't jump to conclusions. She could have seen her family as deadweight and left them.

I can't figure her out and it's driving me insane. The more I try the more confused I get. She another unsolvable puzzle like mother. I don't know if she's  safe or dangerous. But some how my instincts tell me to rely on her. Maybe it's not instinct, Maybe it's just a parnt of me that wants to trust her. Is it because she's human? Or is it mere curiosity? I don't know. But I want to keep her with us. I want her to be apart of my family even if I am sure that she doesn't.

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