The Story

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It was probably a thursday night, the days run together when you don't have a job. Me and my roommate and ex-boss Wesley decided to go see what civilization looks like when it completely collapses due to a lack of support from the city government. We headed to the west end of Louisville, a breeding ground for people who sell various drugs and narcotics, sexual services, and hand out bullets- admittedly the bullets they are handing out are most of the time travelling at a high rate of speed and end up in the body of the receiver of the gift given by the gracious soul offering said item. On the way to 44th street (The highest number that is currently inhabited) we decided to start with 1st street and head down, using Brooks Street as our cut through the concrete and rotting wood warzone. As we approached 11th street, nothing had seemed out of the ordinary. Suddenly we realized something was happening- the state of the cars and the front lawns of the residents were quickly heading in a less-than-positive direction. Back windshields were missing and replaced with makeshift duct tape and walmart bags, garden ornaments in various yards looked like pieces picked up second hand in the 1960's and hadn't been looked after since, and the road and sidewalks had grass growing up from them taller than my car and more yellow than the Mountain Dew you get from the fountain at White Castle. A sense that my life could be stripped from me at any moment was becoming more and more prevalent with each block I travelled, at 25 miles an hour and stopping at each red light (wishing I could just run through them). As we reached 25th street, we noticed a few residents out in their yards and on the roads. We decided rolling our windows up was the best course of action to avoid being approached (on account of our differing skin color from most of the citizens in this part of town), but in hindsight window tint might be a good idea if this trip ever happens again. A pair of loaded 9MM hand guns in the car did not provide any sense of security, since we were out in the open and anyone could be lurking in the shadows. The most fear came from the idea of interacting with a crooked police officer assuming we were buying any various- or combination of various- drugs, and the idea of a camoflauge-clad redneck quickly approaching the vehicle with a loaded fire arm while likely being hopped up on crack cocaine or methampetamines. We quickly arrived at 36th street, and the surroundings began reverting back to looking more akin to 11th street than 35th- the street only one block behind us. A rapid incline of appearance began to overtake the area as we got nearer to the end of this horrifying sub-city next to the heart of Louisville. As we reached 44th street, a sudden desire to leave in a quick pace overtook me and my passenger and colleague despite the surroundings having returned to normal. We decided it would be best to circle around the neighborhood we had the displeasure of entering through, and made a vow to never return again. Us being ourselves however we returned many more times, all of which we escaped unscathed. Many more trips into that place will likely not yield similar results. It is only a matter of time until the jungle takes us as it's prisoners.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2022 ⏰

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