chapter 1

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Liam's pov

Zayn, Harry and I cuddle in our bed. I play with Harry's stuffed animal which makes him laugh a little. "What if you guys get adopted but I'm not?" He asks sadly. "I'm not going then and Liam won't go either then!"

I agree with it and Harry falls slowly asleep. "Now go to sleep cus you are going to school tomorrow!" I say. "Nigh night!" He says tiredly. He closes his eyes and Zayn and I give him a soft kiss on his forehead.

"I'm going to my room, night Liam," Zayn says giving me a soft kiss too. I keep Harry close to me.

Nialls pov

I cuddle with Louis. It always makes me feel safe. "Can I please do a cigarette?" Louis asks going through my hair with his hands. "No, I like it like this!" I say holding him tight.

"Ni, love, what's wrong?" He asks. I shrug and he goes through my hair again. "You know what? Tomorrow you're free right?" I nod. "Okay, we are going to the beach then!" I turn to him. Bucky our dog likes my face as I pet him.

"Ni, I am gonna do a cigarette after that we can cuddle again" lou looks at me cutely and I nod. I sit up and Lou walks to the backyard. I just grab my vape and sit next to Lou.

"Ni, love, you have been off today. What's wrong?" He asks. "So I have this kid in my class and he bullies some younger kid from second grade. I tried to talk to him but I just can't!"

"He'll turn around. As for that other kid, how old is he?" I shrug again. "I think he's 5 or 6"

Louis pov

I see how frustrated Ni is by this kind of thing. I know he got bullied when we were in school. First years of high school we didn't talk then we went to our third year and we had to. We didn't fall in love then. But the time with him is the best in my life!

"How would you like to have a kid around? If he or she has siblings we take them too," I suggest. Niall was adopted when he was 10. He had a little sister but she got killed in front of Niall when he was 6 years and his mum killed her.

"You said you didn't want that?" He asks. "Well, I always see how happy kids make you and we can't take one sibling cus then they never trust us," I say. He smiles so happy again.

"I'll make an option then!" I text a friend and we can come tomorrow cus I'm free and Niall is free.

"Tomorrow no beach sorry princess," he shrugs. "We are getting a kid!" He says so excitedly. He is now the little kid.

We go back inside and I just realised that he is wearing my hoodie. "Why are you wearing this one?" I ask him. "It's my favourite!" I laugh as Niall giggles.

Next day
Nialls pov 

We are getting a kid! We go after school is over cus kids still go to school. I still want to go to the beach but we can't we have to save a kid and his or her siblings.

I walk around and see the little lad that gets bullied by one of my kids. I walk towards him but a blond-haired lad stops me. "What do you want from my brother?" He asks angrily. "Just wondering his name," I say calmly. I know how frustrating this can be.

"Harry, now you can leave again!" He says. "What's your name?" I ask as Lou walks to me. "Liam," he says. "I'm Niall and this is my boyfriend Louis!" I say.

"That's not our problem! Look for the 2 years!" He says annoyed. "Alright then," I say a little sad and I walk away.

Louis pov

He wants these 2 and I understand cus they seemed nice. "Do you have any other siblings?" I ask. Another lad walks to us. He has this black hair and brown eyes.

"Him why?" The blonde-haired one asks. "Thanks!" I just say. I walk to Ni cus he was about to leave. "I found them! They're with 3 and we can get all 3 of them!" I say. Ni hugs me so tight and then kisses me in public. We never had done that before but it felt great!

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