Chapter 6: Dating

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Chachi POV~

I couldn't believe he was in my house.

"Umm I'm going to my room now." I said awkwardly.

"No you may not young lady. I see you already meet Craig. So take Danielle and Craig to your room."

"Fine. Come on Danny and....Prodigy."

"Ok, come on babe." Danielle said.

We went upstairs and Danny was in front of me and Prodigy.

Why me!

I felt a hand on my butt cheek and slapped it off. I turned to see prodigy giving me a smirk then whispered.

"It looks bigger can't wait to get more."

I stood there and he kept walking then humped me on purpose.

"Haha oops sorry."he said then smirked again.

I started to walk again.

"My room is to the left Danny." I said directing her because she was in front of me.

"Thanks, but this is not the first time I've been here." She said while laughing.

"What??" I was way more than confused.

"Haha, your mom has invited me and my dad when you weren't here before today. I never got to meet you until today. I love your room though." She said.

"Haha thanks."

We walked in. Danny sat on my bed and took out her phone.

"So how did you and Prod meet?" She said while putting her phone in her pocket.

"Uh at the mall." I said shaky

"Were you guys"


"Yes!" Prod said cutting me off. I glared at him and he started smirking.

"Oh this must be awkward."

"Nope cause it wasn't really a date." I said while swerving my head at Prod.

"It kinda was cause that's when she list her virginity."

"What! You this must be so awkward you don't have to hide it." She said.

Tired so I will update tomorrow

~Chachi( ˘ ³˘)❤

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