Special Best Friends

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An enormous battle raged on in the streets of Syspocalypstar Central, an army of Micromanagers and former robots once belonging to Lord Business were ravaging the city, but were being slowed down by the defenders blocking the way to the rest of the people. The defending force made up of Systar Guards and hundreds of Master-builders from Apocalypsburg.

At the head of the defense was a Hero and well known Leader by everyone in the System, Lucy Wyldstyle, who was taking on overwhelming odds and yet still coming out on top. However, the Micromanagers outnumbered the defenders by a large amount, it was like trying to hold back the ocean with a broomstick, so Lucy was deciding to take a small team to find the source of where they were coming from, and take them out from there.


The team would obviously consist of her group of friends, whom she considered her family: Sweet, Unikitty, Benny, Batman, Watevra, and Metal-beard. The Seven members made it to where the machines were all coming from, the former Octan Tower, where they could somehow see a figure giving orders to more Micromanagers to attack. They couldn't make out the figure, but made a charge to attack him. The figure turned to face them all, but was wearing a mask, so it would be near impossible to make out their identity.

Unikitty prepared to attack the figure. "Hey, you!"

"Finally, I thought you would all be here earlier." The figure said menacingly. "That would have been the second time you wouldn't have been there."

"Yar, why are yee wearing a mask? Afraid to actually face us?" Metal-beard said with a teasing attitude.

The figure merely stood, not even moving an inch. "Same as always, Captain. It's a shame I have to kill you all this way, but I'll still get my end result."

Batman suddenly cut in trying to seem cool in front of everyone. "Yeah, sure, well let's see what- BATARANG!"

The figure somehow caught the weapon and immediately broke it into two. "That's not gonna work this time. I'm afraid you don't exactly know who you're dealing with."

"Wouldn't be the first time." Lucy immediately moved to the front of the group.

The figure stood silently, but then chose to speak to her. "I was expecting you to be here. We finally have the chance to meet."

Lucy starred the figure up and down before speaking again. "Well, at least you had something to look forward to before losing."

"We don't have to be enemies. I will agree to show you, and only you mercy, as long as you agree to give up this System to me."

"No way in the name of the Man Upstairs. I'm not gonna let you destroy everything here!"

The figure seemed to be prepared to draw a sword at his side. "Perhaps your friends will be willing to give up where you wouldn't."

Lucy seemed to be getting angrier by the seconds, before raising her voice. "You know, at first I thought I could tell who was behind that helmet of yours, but I couldn't be more wrong. My boyfriend, the man I love, could never be like this! Not like you! Not a villain!!

Even with a mask on, the group could tell he was giving an evil smirk. "Emmet Brickowski was weak. I destroyed him."

The sentence made Lucy feel like all the blood in her body had been drained in one kick. Every part of her body was screaming and berating her, and she agreed with every word.

You were supposed to keep Emmet safe!

Why didn't you protect him?!

Why didn't you tell him you loved him?!

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