The Beginning

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Hello to anyone reading. My name is Michael Kent, driver of Percy the Small Engine on the NWR. I would tell you more about myself but that isn't important right now. What IS important is what happened over the course of a few years ago. Our story is set in 2012, the year most people thought the world was going to end. As of writing this story in 2016, I think we are all doing perfectly fine now. So, let's take a trip back to 2012 and you can hear about the trouble that happened that year.

August 18th, 2012:

It all started one fine summer's day. Percy had just delivered some trucks of stone to Elsbridge Harbour. On the way out, we stopped to talk to Harold the Helicopter.

"Fine morning isn't it Harold?" asked Percy.

"I wouldn't be so sure." replied Harold. "I heard a storm might be coming later today."

"Well, I just hope a storm doesn't come." Percy said. "It'd be a shame to ruin the day we're having."

But a few hours later, Harold's predictions sadly came true. Percy was at the station with a passenger train when numerous storm clouds appeared. Surprisingly, there was no rain, just thunder and lightning. We then saw Neville coming down the line pulling a goods train when a lightning bolt hit him. Luckily, it didn't kill him, just knocked him out. Then, without any warning, Neville's face fell off his body and numerous black snakes with razor sharp teeth and red eyes came out of the holes on the front of his boiler and came towards us. I flung open the regulator and put Percy into reverse and we raced off. Neville's snakes roared and Neville chased after us.

We raced backwards down the line until we reached Knapford station. Thankfully, we lost Neville but suddenly a BR class 17 came up next to us. Suddenly, Derek's face extended and curled in front of us. All that was on his face was a giant mouth with sharp teeth. We raced off again and hid in Knapford harbour, where a familiar orange 9F was waiting for us.

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