soulmates and other things

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i know this is really random, but do you guys believe in soulmates?

my friend once told me that she doesn't believe in them as she doesn't think that there is that ONE person out there, meant only for you; but despite all that, i think i believe in them.

speaking from personal experience, once i had a a friend, we were really close, i was extremely comfortable with him and i told him everything, and he did the same. At one point, he started liking me, he got awkward and started to dress nicely whenever we met, but i didn't realize that soon enough. and by the time i realized it and started liking him, i was already at the other end of the country.

maybe if i had noticed it soon enough, SOMETHING could have started. Whenever i saw him, or spoke to him, i don't know how, but a part of me felt complete. it felt real, not like a crush, but something different. sadly, that connection is now lost, at least from his end.

i feel sad looking back at it and constantly wondering: "What could have happened if only i had noticed earlier.."

but that can't be helped now..


It's almost the end of the year!! do you guys have any resolutions for 2023? i have a few:

~To work hard and prepare for my dream college's entrance exam

~To prioritize others rather than myself

~To make more friends

Let me know YOUR resolutions in the comments!



Yeon Moon

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