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It was another day for St. Bonaventure doctors the only different thing for them is that there was a potluck organized today. Neil and Claire enter the lounge where everybody was, they had decided to bring some Quesadilla which a nurse got from Claire's hands and placed it on the table with the other foods. Neil finds Audrey and Marcus talking together and he goes to them, but not before touching Claire's arm which indicated he'd be going somewhere which Claire replies with a nod. Neil overhears Audrey telling Marcus about the conferences in New York.

"Ooh...loading for an ultra-marathon?" He hears Audrey tell Marcus.

"Figured I'd try everyone's contributions." Marcus replies.

The two noticed Neil coming and acknowledged him with a nod.

"Your brownies are great!" Marcus tells Audrey.

Which Audrey replies with a thank you. Neil then hears Audrey add...

"I should be the one carbo-loading seeing that half of my department's in New York for the next three days." Looking so done

Marcus tells her that those conferences raise the hospital's profile so they aren't really unimportant events. With this, Audrey turns to Neil rolling her eyes which Neil returns with a shrug. He then proceeds to go to the table to grab some food.

Meanwhile Claire finds her friends, Shaun, Morgan, Lea, and Alex around the room. She assumes the couple, Morgan and Alex, were talking about something for their recent move. She then sees Lea and Shaun and she sees Shaun telling Lea about something while Lea was looking so done. Claire assumes Shaun was telling something weird again.

Not even before Claire grabs a plate, she receives a page from the ER, together with Shaun and Morgan. The three proceeds to go to the ER and they see a man in a bed with one of his toes cut. They told them that his partner accidentally hit it with a machete because she thought it was a snake. She can't say that the girl was to blame 'cause the man was wearing a pair of socks with snakes on them and it was at crack of dawn.

Back to the lounge, a certain dish was a hit. It was the sweet potato casserole made by Asher.

Claire pages Dr. Lim for the reattachment surgery. In the OR, Audrey, Shaun, Alex, and her were there.

Claire hears Dr. Lim say...

"Add this to the list as to why I don't go camping right after ticks, bears, and giardia." She chuckles after hearing them.

Shaun replies to Dr. Lim saying that Lea loves bears and thinks they are cute and then the nurse adds that a grizzly bear can crush a bowling ball with its bite.

Dr. Lim and Claire turns to her with their eyes big.

She then adds that she watches a lot of discovery. They go through the other procedures, but then they hear Dr. Lim retch.

"Ooh, Dr. Lim, are you okay?" Claire asks worried.

"Yeah, I'm good, just had too much at the potluck." Audrey replies and Claire just nods.

"Let's place the dress..." Audrey continues, but stops halfway.

They all turn their heads to her, and Dr. Lim slowly backs up.

"Step away, very slowly." They hear her say and they all look at her confused.

"Why?" Shaun asks.

"C-Can't you see the snake...right there?" Audrey says.

"There is no snake." Shaun tells her, but then Dr. Lim suddenly vomits.

Back in the ER, Morgan was at the nurses' station and she sees Shaun and Claire enter.
It wasn't really that unobvious that a chaos was happening. There were staffs vomiting in bins and some are laid in hospital beds. Morgan goes to them and asks what they were feeling.

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