Chapter 25: New Start

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For several days after their return, each of them had to tell the story of their adventure over and over again until they were all heartily sick of it. Even Polly, who had been acting out the parts of each pirate with dramatic voices and actions began to tire of their celebrity status.

Little by little however, life began to return to some form of normality, although it took on a very different rhythm. Jim and his mother continued to stay with the Jones family. Both of them enjoyed having a few more people around and Jim was pleased to see his mother begin to change as her dark moods became less frequent. They started to help out at the bakery and Samuel Jones was very pleased to have them, particularly as the older Jones children were beginning to talk about moving out...

Mike was adopted by the crew of the Swift who found a bunk for him to sleep in. He was quite used to life on a ship so this suited him rather well. He was also keen to help with the repair work and they occasionally allowed him to join in. He was particularly good at working high up on the rigging or in small spaces.

Elizabeth stayed at the inn with her mother. It was definitely the safest place in the village given that Commodore West was still using it as his base. The two of them could often be seen walking arm in arm along the village road - usually with a squad of marines tagging along, just out of view

Geoffrey Burbridge recovered quickly from his injuries and was soon back behind the bar. He wasn't entirely happy to have so many military people around, but since they treated him as a bit of a hero, he grew accustomed to their presence and began to enjoy his new status.

Calvin asked endless questions about the Unicorn and wanted to know that Jessica would be safe.

'I'm sure she didn't really want to go,' he said on one occasion. 'Mike escaped, didn't he? Maybe Jessica could do the same?'

'Maybe,' his sister replied, but Jim wondered if she would willingly leave her father behind.

There was no school of course, so the children made the most of every opportunity they had to explore the village together. Jim and Polly enjoyed taking Elizabeth to the graveyard where they climbed the old trees and gazed out to sea. They also introduced Mike to some of the different local craftsmen who would occasionally give him something new to squirrel away in one of his many pockets.

They visited the schoolhouse which was bolted shut with a huge iron padlock, and they walked around the Flint's round house, where grass and weeds were quickly beginning to overtake the vegetable garden.

'I wonder where Darnell has got to,' Elizabeth pondered as she gazed out to sea. 'He could be a long way away by now.'

'I like to think he's gone back to exploring,' Jim said. 'Perhaps visiting some of those places on the other side of the Circle Sea where even his maps were blank. Off to Rainbow Bay and beyond...'

'Or maybe he's found another village,' said Polly, and opened a new school.'

Mike laughed.

'Where he'll be a great teacher until the next shipload of pirates turn up.'

They all laughed at this and watched as a small trading ship headed out to sea. It was a big world out there and each one of them secretly wanted to join Darnell on another adventure.

They stayed there watching the waves crash against the rocks until the sun set and the soldiers came to take Elizabeth home.

And so the days passed and the Swift was slowly repaired. They all knew that this time would soon come to an end but they treasured it like the last moments of a long warm summer.

But all good things do come to an end and the day came when a large group of villagers were summoned to the inn where a very thoughtful Lady Astrid was waiting for them.

She sat them in a big circle around a couple of tables so she could see them all properly. Geoffrey Burbridge poured out mugs of milk or coffee and tried to make them comfortable.

'Our ship is nearly ready,' Lady Astrid began. 'And the time will soon come when we will need to continue our journey. I promised to take Elizabeth up to the Northern Isles so she could meet her family, and I still intend to do this.'

'But,' she continued. 'This has been a wonderful and welcoming place to stay and we will all be sad to leave.'

Elizabeth agreed enthusiastically and Commodore West acknowledged the comment with a formal nod.

'When we return home again,' Lady Astrid said. 'I think we shall stop here again and I hope we will also pick up a few passengers as we go.'

She turned to Mike.

'Michael, from what my daughter tells me, it seems you have missed out on so many opportunities. You were washed ashore on a rocky island as a small child where you had to work for a group of unfriendly fishermen, and you were then captured by pirates... I think we owe you a better start in life.'

She smiled at Polly with genuine warmth and affection.

'And Polly Jones, your impressive aim saved the life of my daughter, but you then gave her something even more precious - your friendship - and you have begun to teach her things that she could not possibly learn in a castle or palace. For all this, I am eternally grateful.'

She turned to look at Jim.

'Much of this is also true of you, James Cavendish, and I am truly sorry that our arrival here has cost you your education. Without your bravery, I would be a very sad woman today. You have given me my daughter back, while I have driven your teacher away...'

She paused for a moment and then stood.

'It would be very ungracious of me to leave things in such a sorry state, so I have a suggestion... I would like to make an offer to all three of you, if your parents or guardians are willing... Would you like to come back to Port Elizabeth with us and join my daughter in her lessons. She has some excellent tutors but I think she would learn so much more if she had some class mates...'

Polly and Jim looked both excited and dismayed at the same time. They looked up at their parents who seemed unsure how they should respond.

'Not for the whole year of course,' Lady Astrid continued reassuringly. 'I would suggest they spend the summer here and the winter at Port Elizabeth. I wouldn't want to split up your families.'

She turned to Mike again.

'As for you, Michael, if you are willing, Commodore West has told me that he would be happy to welcome you aboard as a member of his crew - and act as your guardian himself. You could spend the winters with us and your summers at sea. What do you think?'

Mike seemed more than happy with this arrangement and the conversation soon moved on to planning. There was great excitement in the air as the families made plans...

A few days later it was time for the Swift to depart and continue on its voyage. Jim and Polly joined the other villagers on the harbour wall as they stood side by side to wave goodbye to their friends. Elizabeth stood by her mother on the deck while Mike climbed to the top of the highest mast.

'See you soon!' Elizabeth shouted as the boat drew away.

They followed the ship to the end of the harbour where the Flint's old house reminded them of other voyages. They waved until the Swift was so far away that they could no longer see anyone waving back.

'It won't be long before we see them again,' Polly said wistfully.

'And then we can begin a whole new adventure...'

'I don't know,' she replied thoughtfully. 'I'm not sure we've really finished this one yet...'

The End?

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