Part 10

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No one pov

Tanjiro, slowly put his dagger down, still keeping it in hand just in case. " gonna tell me or not?" The 13 y/o said glaring at the bigger man below him. "If-*cough* I tell you-Yo*cough* have to tell me who yo-*cough* ar-re." the man struggled, coughing up blood in between his words. "...alright..." Tanjiro agreed, taking in the man's features while talking. The man had pale skin, was very muscular, and seemed to be 18 or so, he had thick blue lines across body his which seemed to resemble criminal tattoos. The man also had pink, short, fluffy hair. The man looked up at Tanjiro, taking in a breath. Tanjiro's eyes widened, and he quickly lifted up his dagger and held it against the man's pale skin. 'How did I not notice before!?' Tanjiro yelled at himself mentally. The man's eyes had the Kanji for upper moon 3. The man was a demon, which would explain his inhuman features. "H-HEY?!WHAT GIVES!?" The demon yelled, "You're a demon how do I know you won't attack me? I can never let my guard down, especially if it's a demon" Tanjiro said mumbling the last bit. He stared at Akaza with cold threatening eyes. "Who are you?" Tanjiro said raising his voice. The demon opened his mouth and said to Tanjiro slowly.

                                                 "Akaza...Uppermoon 3, I came here to bring back something to uhh- our- King-..." Akaza said. "And what's the something you need to bring back to him?" Tanjiro asked slowly putting the dagger down. Tanjiro sat down,criss-cross. 

A:" *sigh*That you can not know." 

T: "And why's that?"

A: "'Cause it's none of your business!"

T:"...Oh! Look your arms and legs are healed!"

Akaza pov

Once he said that I looked down and saw they were indeed healed. I looked back up at the boy and pinned him to the ground holding/pinning him by the neck. "Now tell me who you are," I said tightening my grip around his neck. "M-Mabey If you-you stop I'll T-Tell y-you!" The boy yelled, well- tried, I loosened my grip but still held on. The kid took in a few breaths. "My name's Tanjiro Tsugikuni." 

                                      "W-What?" I mumbled, he heard me. "Are you stupid? Are you deaf? I just said my name is Tanjiro Tsugikuni." *Tsugikuni? That sound all too familiar but- I just can't-* "AGH-" I fell to my back and was pushed off. My head bumped into a tree root. "ow" I mumbled. I look up to see a girl who seemed to be about 12 y/o, standing in front of Tanjiro, she was holding a stick, which I'm guessing she used to push me off of Tanjiro. "GET AWAY YOU DEMON!" she yelled at me causing someone else to run out of the house, it was a man with grey hair he wore a red mask thingy. He looked around and spotted us, we were in the shade, It was still morning so I didn't know what to do. The grey-haired man ran towards me he had pulled out a Nichiren sword and was aiming at my head. I quickly got up and regained my composure, as I ran into the forest trying to lose them. "HEY!" I assume It was the girl that yelled that since the voice was high-pitched and feminine. *GOD-DAMNIT! I'M SCREWED... I'LL COME BACK WHEN IT'S NIGHT* I thought, I climbed a tree not too high though cause I didn't want to burn. I sat there waiting for the night to arrive.

                                                             "I wonder How Akaza's doing?"


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