Being right hand woman

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{Y/N's P.O.V}

I have been Roxanne's second in command for a couple years now. Peter and Felix were closer than ever so that's good I guess. But lately they have been talking to each other in a different language so I walked up to Roxanne and asked her a question.
"Hey Roxanne? How many languages do you know?" He looked perplexed for a moment.
"Umm quite a few, why?" I pointed towards the boys who are talking in a language that I don't know. She looks over and nods.
"You either want me to figure out what they are saying or you want us to speak a language they don't know." I nodded sheepishly. I felt slightly ashamed, I didn't want to intrude on their conversation but at the same time they shouldn't be talking about us. I mean it's obviously about me and Roxanne since they keep pointing at us. Roxanne sighs.
"If you boys intend to talk about us in private, don't point at us... You look stupid and suspicious." She leans over to me and whispers
"Now wink at Peter. I'm going to wink at Felix." I giggled and winked at Peter. I watch as Peter and Felix both flush red. That was too funny. They rush into Peters hut to continue talking while I go into Roxannes side. We laugh on our way in.
"I think Peter might like you." Roxanne said. I blushed a little. Nobody liked me when I lived on the mainland. I looked at her.
"And I've never seen Felix look at someone the way he looks at you. There's this glimmer that I've seen only in movies." This time she blushed. Then she looked deep in thought.
"You know you are my best friend right?" I nodded.
"And you know I would tell you anything right?" I nodded again.
"And you would tell me anything right?"
"Of course I would. Why all these weird questions? Are you ok Roxy?" She started to look nervious. She grabbed both my hands and looked me in the eyes.
"I think I might like your brother." I started to look relieved.
"Oh that's all? *giggles* I already knew that." She looks shocked.
"Am I that obvious?"
"Only if you're a girl. The boys won't notice. At least, Felix won't. He can be a little dense sometimes." I laughed loudly.
"You know, I'm glad you finally told me. Because I think I have a crush on your brother." She laughed.
"Usually people are scared of him because he can be a bit, what's the word I'm looking for, oh yeah, ruthless. But he is different with you. I mean he is with me too but I'm his sister, I would hope he acts different with me. But when he is around you he acts sweet. But he is afraid that the boys will think you make him weak so that's why he kinda flip flops with the way he treats you." I shrugged
"I was never bothered by it suprisingly."
"Nope. I knew it had something to do with his reputation. So I always just let it go. Never took it personally."
"Well that's gonna make him happy... if you ever tell him that is. Because I won't tell him, unless you want me to tell him." I shake my head viguriously.
"No, don't tell him." She laughed. Then she held her arms out for a hug. I gladly walked into her embrace.
"You are my very best friend."
"And you're mine too."
"But we must act normal ok Y/N? We don't want to attract attention at the wrong moment."
"We could be slightly more flirty. Not enough for them to notice right away but enough to make them blush like 90% of the time they are around us." Roxy giggles.
"Sounds like a perfect plan." She grins mischieviously. I giggle
"When do we start?"
"Well we should make some ground rules. I mean they are our brothers after all." I nodded
"That's fair. It's gonna be weird watching you flirt with Felix."
"Ok rule 1:  no touching below the belt unless it's an 'accident' ok? We don't want to be giving them boners." I nodded in agreeance
"Rule 2: No kissing unless it's on the cheek."
"Can it be close to the lips?"
"Umm, yes but lets do that a little later in the game."
"You and Peter with your games."
"Ok, I phrased that wrong."
"Anyways, rule 3: If they want us, they must make the first move."
"Oh good one Y/N. Rule 4: skimpy clothes are 100% ok to use."
"Rule 5: Don't let any other Lost Boy flirt with us."
"You know, it won't be a bad idea to let them in on this. You know, so they don't flirt with us by accident." I thought out loud.
"Oh... yeah you're probably right. But when do we tell them? Felix and Bubba are almost always around the Lost Boys." I thought for a moment.
"Oooh I have an idea. We will tell everyone that we need two strapping young men to go get something for us, like dinner?" Roxy gasps
"Yes, we'll send them hunting. That's perfect!" I giggled at her.
"It sounds like we have a plan and all the rules. When do we start?" She smiled.
"Now. Come with me, well pick out our outfits."

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