Chapter 1.

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It was the night of the full moon, Stolas would be doing his usual exchange with the Imp by the name of 'Blitzø' (As you know, the o is silent.) The owl would be allowing Blitzø to use his beloved grimoire, for some—Quality time, with him. But this would only be for a limited amount of time of course, considering Stolas is a prince and most likely has many duties.

The owl caught up on a bit of work while he waited for Blitzø to arrive, flipping through a few pages. As he continued, he eventually heard a light tap on the window. His gaze almost immediately turned to the side hearing this, along with soft mumbles that he was unable to understand. The prince stood up from his seat with a smile, opening the window before—Well, attempting to speak. " Hello Bli—! "
Blitzø had interrupted Stolas once he jumped through the window, landing on his feet on the floor of the owl's room. He glanced towards Stolas before shooting him a glare, placing his hands on his hips before speaking. " Listen, I'm going to make this short and sweet. I'm not fucking you tonight, Stolas. Keep the damn book. " The imp said with an irritated expression. I guess you could say he felt—A bit guilty, after saying this considering he was being kinda harsh. But in order to hide it, he just turned to the side.
Stolas was a bit confused as to why Blitzø was backing out of their agreement and why he seemed so irritated, so he thought for a moment before responding. " Is there  a reason as to why, Blitzø? " He asked with a confused tone of voice, tilting his head.
Blitzo thought to himself for a moment once he got asked the question, though he would never admit why. He truly felt as if he was being used like a puppet, almost. Just for Stolas' entertainment. Although the imp feels this way, the owl feels many things about him that he was unaware of. " I'm just—I'm not in the mood. " Blitzø said in response. " The only thing between me and you, is this 'Arrangement'. 'Kay? Nothing else. " He added, the guilt creeping over him even more than before.
Stolas' expression softened a bit as he heard those words, trying to think of the correct way to respond. The owl knew that deep down, he truly loved Blitzø. But hearing those words pretty much broke him. " I deeply apologize for causing you to feel that way, " Stolas said, trying to keep it together. " I don't exactly feel that way about our little agreement, though. But of course it's alright if you feel that way, I can't really control that, I just—I'm sorry. " He added, his voice breaking regardless of how much he tried holding it in.
Hearing the owl's voice break opened a door to new emotions that Blitzø only rarely felt. His expression, his tone, his genuineness. Everything had hit Blitzø at once. He took a deep breath, looking back up at Stolas and licking eye contact. " Then how do you feel, Stolas? " Blitzø said in a serious tone, raising an eyebrow.
This question made Stolas panic quite a bit, although it didn't show externally. The truth is, he wanted to tell the imp about how he felt, he just feared rejection. Stolas didn't want Blitzø for his body, nor his protection. He wanted him for him. " I—Well, you see, Blitzø. I would tell you, but I can't exactly tell you now. " He muttered, breaking the eye contact. Stolas didn't break the eye contact because he was trying to be rude, it was only that he was nervous.
Blitzo let out a huff hearing the response he had gotten, keeping his eyes on Stolas. " Tell me. " He said, his serious tone remaining.
The owl made a sharp inhale before speaking. " Alright. But you may want to take a seat. " He said, sitting himself down on his bed. He motioned for Blitzø so sit down next to him after he did so, a slightly nervous expression on his face. Although Stolas was so nervous in this moment he could scream, he felt that it was the right time. It felt, right.
Blitzo nodded, going over to the prince and sitting down near him. " ..So? " He said, looking over at the owl. He seemed a bit fidgety and nervous before he began doing his usual 'speeches', but Blitzø was a confused as to why.
Stolas cleared his throat, looking down at his lap. It was clear as day that he was nervous no matter how hard he tried to hide it. Blitzo on the other hand, decided to keep quiet about his nervousness and go along with it. " So, em—This is a bit hard to say, but.. " Stolas said, pausing for a moment. " As you know, I've been forced to marry stella. But the thing is I— I never truly wanted to marry her, even as a child. My eyes were never on her. " He paused for a moment. " They were on you. "

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