Procurando por amor

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🎶 I was alone thinking I was just fine
I wasn't looking for anyone to be mine
I thought love was just a fabrication
A train that wouldn't stop at my station
Home, alone, that was my consignment
Solitary confinement🎶

🎶 So when we met I was skirting around you
I didn't know I was looking for love
Until I found you🎶

🎶 I didn't know I was looking for love
Until I found you, honey
I didn't know I was looking for love
Until I found you, baby
Didn't know I was looking for love
Didn't know I was looking for love🎶

🎶Cause there you stood and I would
Oh I wonder could I say how I felt
And not be misunderstood
A thousand stars came into my system
I never knew how much I had missed them
Slap on the map of my heart you landed🎶

Lena Pov

Estava sosinha em um bar, olhando as pessoas com amigos rindo a toa. Meu único amigo é esse copo de Vodka. Quando de repente ela aparece, a garota loira que eu estava observando.

- Oi - diz a loira.

- Por que não está com os seus amigos? - pergunto arqueando minha sobrancelha.

- Estava me observando? - pergunta sorrindo de lado.

- Digamos que sou muito observadora - digo bebendo minha vodka.

- Desculpa não me apresentei, Kara Danvers - diz a loira.

- Lena Luthor - digo.

- Tipo Luthor Corp? - pergunta a loira.

🎶 I was coy but you made me candid
And now the planets circle around you
I didn't know I was looking for love
Until I found you🎶

🎶 I didn't know I was looking for love
Until I found you, baby
I didn't know I was looking for love
Until I found you, baby
Didn't know I was looking for love
Didn't know I was looking for love🎶

🎶 So we built from here with love the foundation
In a world of tears, one consolation
Now you're here, there's a full brass band
Playing in me like a wonderland
And if you left I would be two-foot small🎶

- Pois é. Eu trabalho lá. E você faz o que? - pergunto.

- Sou jornalista - diz.

- Ótimo. Eu sabia que veio aqui com segundas intenções - digo na defensiva.

- Não. Não. É que te vi sosinha. Eu não gosto de vê pessoas sosinhas. E sinto que seremos melhores amigas - diz a loira, ela pareceu tão sincera - então quer se juntar aos meus amigos?

- Olha não precisa ter pena. E eu não sei o que é ter amigos - digo.

🎶And every tear would be a waterfall
Soundless, boundless, I surround you
I didn't know I was looking for love
Until I found you

I just didn't know🎶

🎶 I didn't know I was looking for love
Until I found you
I didn't know I was looking for love (I just didn't know)
Until I found you🎶

🎶 I didn't know I was looking for love (oh, I just didn't know)
Didn't know I was looking for love
Until I found you, baby
I didn't know I was looking for love
Until I found you
I didn't know I was looking for love
Until I found you, baby🎶

- Eu te ensino. Então você quer ser minha melhor amiga? - diz a loira.

- Claro. Melhor amiga - digo.

- Ótimo. E não se preocupe eles são legais - diz sorrindo abertamente.

🎶 Didn't know I was looking for love
Didn't know I was looking for love
Until I found you, baby🎶

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2022 ⏰

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