Chapter 5: Janna

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They went inside the tree it was green and black

Janna: hello, Ananda, Sahasi, and Surak

Surak: hey Mother

Sahasi: hello mother

Ananda: hello Queen Janna

Janna: who's this?

Ananda: her names Nirmala

Janna: Nirmala, step forward

Nirmala steps forward

Nirmala: hello, your majesty *bows*

Janna: hello, Nirmala.

Nirmala: so what is this place

Janna: the Tree Of Life

Nirmala: okay....

Janna: so what happened to your parents

Nirmala:*sigh*A f-fire broke out and they d-died

Janna: I'm sorry about that Nirmala

Nirmala: thank you Queen Janna

Janna jumps down the rock (she was a young healthy lioness back then) and bends herself to Nirmala's level

Janna: you are welcome to the tree of life

Nirmala: thank you queen Janna I will be forever grateful!

Janna: *chuckle*

Nirmala: *smiles*

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