The Ghost Of You

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Gerard's P.O.V.

"Grandma?" I called into the house as my brother and I stepped inside. Boxes were set up in the living room, where the furniture was yet to be place, the pictures were yet to be hung, and her family-famous roses she grew in her garden were yet to be put in a vase.

She came into the room from what looked like the kitchen. "Ah, you boys are finally here," she walked up and hugged us both. "Thank you so much for helping me unpack. I was never strong enough to move furniture like your grandfather was." She smiled.

"It's okay, really," I assured her. "My classes were cancelled today anyways," I returned the smile.

"That's right. How have your classes been going?"

"Good, more or less."

"And you, Mikey? How's your job?"

My brother looked up. "I suppose its better than nothing."

She laughed. "So, I suppose we should get started." She looked around the room. "Let's start unpacking these boxes, take them to the right room, so when we're done we can move the furniture out of the dining room." She thought for a moment. "The boxes are labeled, so that should make things easier."

"Hm... alright," Mikey clapped his hands. He bent down to look at several of the boxes. "Where's the attic?"

"Well Mikes, I think, and I may just be throwing this out here, but I'm pretty sure the attic is the top part of the house-"

"Gerard," Elena silenced me. "Go up the stairs, take a left, and their should be more stairs to your right at the end of the hall, Mikey." Mikey nodded. "Now, Gerard," she turned to me, putting her hands on her hips, "Instead of teasing your brother, why don't you help him?"

"Yes, Grandma," I reluctantly agreed as I picked up a few boxes as well.

"We'll be back," Mikey called from half-way up the stairs.

"Mikey!" I called running up the stairs after him. I heard Elena laughing behind me.


Mikey and I sat down the boxes. Looking around, we both noticed something.

"Gosh, it's stuffy in here," Mikey said.

"Sure is," I agreed. "Well, if this stuff is for the attic, I guess it doesn't need to be unpacked-"

"Wait, this fell out," Mikey bent down and oicked up what looks like a piece of paper in an envelope. He gently opened it.

"What is it?" I asked, stepping closer so I could look at it too.

It was a faded piece of paper, slightly yellow with age, with tiny cursive writing. Although, I could tell whoever had written it was in a hurry.

"It looks like a letter of some sort," he said, squinting at the paper. "... August... 1943?"

"What? No way," I looked at the paper. Sure enough, at the top right of the page, was printed "AUGUST 14, 1943."

"Um... Gerard?" Mikey asked.

"Uh, yeah?" I asked.

"You weren't alive then, right?" he asked.

I took the letter from him, and saw it was signed, "Your's Truly, G.A. Way,"

"That's impossible..." I trailed off.

"It's adressed to Elena Lee Rush," Mikey observed.

"Let's go ask her," I suggested.


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