Chapter 5: Bet

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"You can count on us!" Said Choji.

"I already chose my outfit!"

"I hope I can avoid insects but I still have my poison if they appeared."

"You have a great team, Menma. Now go and deprive the village of possible danger."

"Yes, Lord Hokage!" We agreed we need enough energy so we’ll set off in the morning. Itachi… I’m sure he did nothing wrong. It’s just not possible… I didn’t see him for a long time since he started solving cases on his own but he helped our village many times. I know it’s not true. In the end I slept for just few hours. I couldn’t get the thought of Itachi betraying the village of my mind.

"Sasuke, Choji and others already left. It’s our turn now." I yawned when I stood in front of the gate.

"Yes, let’s go!" We jumped from branch to branch.

"Sasuke, I know Itachi is your brother but he’s as suspicious as others. We can’t make any conclusions now."

"I know. I’m sure he’s not the one we are looking for anyway but that doesn’t mean he isn’t suspicious. I know this situation is really serious. I didn’t think it is but when Lord Hokage mentioned Akatsuki… I knew the danger is too great." He smirked.

"You finally talk like a shinobi. I like this side of you more."

"And I like when you don’t act like a jerk."

"Hah, I guess I deserved it. But you have to understand me. As a jonin and captain of my team, I take my position very seriously."

"That’s completely alright but it wouldn’t hurt you to relax from time to time. Going on a date or something."

"As if, I’m not interested in these things. A great sparring is a better relax for me or a great ninja book."

"Menma! You read Icha-Icha paradise?!"

"What’s that? I meant a book about different types of strategies."

"Oh, nevermind. But you could read it someday."

"Maybe I can give it a chance."

"You won’t be disappointed."

"It’s actually unbelievable you read some book. What is it about?"

"Ahh… well… you’ll know that when you read it."

"I don’t read any porn books."

"Nevermind then."

"You lecture me here about social life but I could lecture you about your training. You are strong but you should train more if you want to become jonin."

"I knew you are gonna say this. Let’s make a deal. After we go back we’ll change our lives for one day. I’ll be studying your books and training and you’ll go hunting girls."

"Are you out of your mind? I’m definitely not gonna do it."

"Why? It’s for one day. Or are you scared they’ll reject you?"

"If they rejected me I’d be just in your shoes so it’d wouldn’t be any different. But I’m afraid they are gonna do the opposite. They are gonna hunt me."

"Lucky bastard… why are you even so popular?"

"I am popular?"

"Of course, every chick in the village is talking about you."

"Then that doesn’t mean anything for me. I’d rather be aknowledged by the rest of the great five villages."

"You are just aiming too high. Can’t you give it a rest for a while? Look, you can even pick. Hinata-chan and Sakura-chan are madly in love with you. While I’m rejected by every girl after I show my true colors."

"They are both so annoying… I can’t imagine being with any of them… and I don’t want to force myself into this because of stupid bet. You’ll achieve some knowledge but what am I gonna get from it?"

"A girlfriend?" I said but he glared at me.

"Then what do you want?"

"Teach me katon."

"Teach you?! What?!"

"I’m a pro at using Futon and Raiton but as a jonin I want to unlock more chakra elements."

"But what if you don’t have cells for it?"

"My mother has a fire element but she never used it. I think I have some genes within me."

"I see… well… fine, but you’ll go hunting girls!"

"Ughh, fine…"

"Right, if you want to be stronger, you have to do something for it."

"I didn’t imagine it like this…" I like to mess with him. He’s so cute when he wants something.
We chatted for a long time and now we were close to Akatsuki’s hideout. They are hiding because it’s possible the criminals they chase would be after them since they are unofficial organization and aren’t under the villages protection. I saw Itachi returning from his mission.

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