First Impressions and Lingering Rain

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The first light of dawn kissed the windowpane, and Pearl stirred in her cosy room at Maplewood Glen. It was her first day in Avonlea, and a sense of excitement bubbled within her. She had arrived with her family the previous night, the rain pouring down as if the heavens themselves were welcoming them to this enchanting place.

Pearl Phoebe Bernard was a young girl of remarkable grace and charm, her origins firmly rooted in the romantic city of Paris, France. Her life had taken a fascinating twist when her father, David Hester, received an opportunity to return to Avonlea, a place rich with history and nestled in the heart of Prince Edward Island.

Pearl blinked sleep from her eyes and sat up, her raven-black hair tumbling in disarray over her shoulders. Her room at Maplewood Glen was simple yet inviting, with quaint floral patterns adorning the curtains and bedding. The sound of birds chirping outside her window filled the air, a stark contrast to the bustling streets of Paris she had grown up with.

As she stretched and prepared for the day, Pearl's mind drifted back to their arrival in Avonlea. The rain had soaked them to the bone as they stepped off the train. The rain had been relentless, but it hadn't dampened her spirits. Their gracious hosts, the Andrews family, had invited them for tea that very day. It was an opportunity to meet the community and start building the connections that would anchor them in this new world. The townfolks' hospitality and the picturesque countryside had already left an indelible mark on her heart.

Pearl knew that their arrival in Avonlea had stirred whispers in the tight-knit community, and Mrs. Andrews, a kind acquaintance of her mother's, had extended this invitation as a way of extending their warm welcome.

After carefully selecting a simple yet elegant dress, Pearl went to her mother's room, where she found her very mother preparing Harriet for the day. Harriet's bright eyes sparkled with excitement, her golden hair in disarray. Pearl leaned in and kissed her little sister's forehead, earning a gleeful giggle in response.

"Good morning, my loves," Sarah greeted them, her eyes shining with pride and a touch of nostalgia. "Are you ready for our first day in Avonlea?"

Pearl nodded, a mix of anticipation and curiosity bubbling within her. "Absolutely, Mother. It's a new beginning for all of us."

With their bonnets secured and dresses adorned, the Bernards made their way to the Andrews' residence. The streets of Avonlea were still glistening with rain, and the lush greenery seemed to stretch out endlessly. The inviting aroma of freshly baked bread wafted from the local bakery, mingling with the scent of rain-soaked earth.

Upon arrival, they were greeted by Mrs. Andrews, a gracious and welcoming woman. Prissy and Jane, her daughters, were equally charming in their greetings, although somewhat shy. The room was adorned with the warm hues of homey decor, and the aroma of freshly baked scones and tea filled the air.

Pearl, with her love for the French language, greeted Mrs. Andrews in her mother tongue, "Bonjour, madame Andrews. C'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer."

Mrs Andrews smiled warmly, her eyes twinkling. "Oh, how lovely! I see you have quite a knack for languages."

Pearl beamed, feeling a sense of belonging.

Then, her gaze shifted to Billy Andrews, the son of the family. His presence was a stark contrast to the warm reception she had received so far. He had an impish grin and mischief danced in his eyes. Pearl couldn't help but notice that he had a mischievous charm, one that she was not entirely prepared for.

Billy leaned in, his voice carrying a tone of jest. "Bonjour, Pearl. Vous parlez français? I hope you don't think we're in Paris now."

Pearl responded in French, her tone composed but playful, "Non, monsieur. We may not be in Paris, but a touch of France can make any place more charming."

Billy Andrews chuckled, seemingly amused by her reply. "Well, a charming addition, indeed. Though, you should prepare for a few light-hearted jabs from me. I can't resist a bit of fun."

Their conversation was cut short, but there was an underlying tension in the air. Pearl felt a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty about Billy. The encounter left her pondering what kind of friendships she would find in Avonlea.

Soon, the tea table was set, and the house filled with the soft laughter of the Andrews' daughters, Prissy and Jane. Pearl couldn't help but admire their vibrant dresses and the way they carried themselves with an air of Avonlea's charm. Their curly hair, coloured like golden wheat, framed their rosy-cheeked faces.

As tea was served, Pearl initiated a conversation with the girls, "Prissy, Jane, you both look lovely today."

Prissy, the elder of the two, replied with a polite smile. "Thank you, Pearl. We're delighted to have you here in Avonlea. You and your family must have had quite a journey last night with the rain."

Jane chimed in, "Yes, it was quite the storm."

The pleasant conversation continued, and Pearl found herself sharing a few stories about her life in Paris, her passion for reading, and her love for the French language. Prissy and Jane were intrigued, and they shared their own experiences in Avonlea, like picnics by the Lake of Shining Waters and the annual White Sands bloom.

i know this might not be the most interesting chapter but I'm just trying to build it up... ;) and a few chapters(1-2) that follow will be similar. I really wanted to build a strong base that would give you a clear view of how certain factors regarding Pearl's nature and past will affect the love story and the book overall.

P.S.- I'm not going to lie but I did a complete redo, rewrote all of the chapters and literally nothing is the same in the draft that I've written most recently. I've made the whole book's vibe change to a darker one with more dark academia vibe to it because originally this gives more of a light academia vibe.

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