part 1. (edited/rewritten)

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"hinata? where are you?" nagito spoke in a deep a lust-filled voice, he obviously had something planned.

"what do you want komaeda." despite sounding annoyed, hinata was intrigued with what the psychotic man infront of him had planned.

"hmm nothing just a little tinsy weensy favor.."

instead of giving hinata time to ask any questions komaeda whispered it into his ears

"fuck no."

"why not~ cmon hinata~"

komaeda said trying to convince hinata. and hinata, being the lovesick boy he is.. agreed. 🤦‍♀️

"fine. but im not doing this without ANYTHING in return."

"i thought you'd say that, what do you have in mind my lovely hinata-kun?"

komaeda smiled widely at his boyfriend

"you allow me to go out to a bar alone. no following me no nothing, deal?"

and with that his smile immediately faded.

"fine. but im definitely not letting you off easy."

nagito said with frustration in his voice, it was painfully obvious he was angry.

.. if you havent read this chapter before what komaeda whispered into hinatas ears wassss 🥁🥁🥁 "for a month, will you let me order you around as long as its sexual?" so.. anyways..


hinata let out a deep breath and replied to komaeda.

"yes, komaeda?"

"its time for your first KOMand!!"

"youre so fucking corny. go on."

word count: 217

a/n: remake pt2?

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