A crummy day or the best day ever

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There was the one who toke Jayden's arm and leg but in Jayden's luck mike didn't see him and the bell went and Jayden ran to class the class was silent
And because of Jayden's arm there was a sudden SNAP and everyone looked at Jayden to see that his pencils broke in two and then the teacher asked "what happened Jayden"  and he said not wonting to "I was in an accident and I lost my arm and leg and they we're replace with these" and removed his sleeve and showed the metal arm and leg and then they asked if it was painful and then Jayden creamed in pain and said "my arm has Jammed " and pulled out a sharp needle out of his pocket but couldn't reach it and then one of Jayden's friends named Tiahna who toke the needle and helped Jayden and smiles and gives the needle back to Jayden and hugged him in effort to comfort him the bell rang and everyone Left and Tiahna asked if Jayden would like some company he smiled and they walked around the school and they ran into the last person that Jayden wanted to see mike and they saw Jayden arm and leg and shoved him asking " didn't we take those off "Tiahna shoved mike back and helped Jayden up and asked " did mike take your arm and leg "Jayden nodded and then mike shoved Tiahna then Jayden stood up and said " you think of hurting her you'll regret it " mike saw the look on Jayden's face and was scared and walked away and Jayden helped her up and Tiahna asked "do you wont to walk home together "they walked home but Jayden wanted to show her something first and for most of the night they stared at the stars on a hill over seeing the town and then he walked her home and they hugged and went home the next day they meet at school and hanged out all day it was one of the best days Jayden had he even started wearing short sleeved sheart and wasn't ashamed anymore of his arm and leg and he and a certain someone had a good times  together

And who know they be mite friends of yours

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