The Princess Of Ice I

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(If you're wondering when this takes place, it's set in a fanmade episode where the last two episodes of season one haven't happened yet)

The boys were fighting against some darkans who wanted to steal one of the pieces of the Elestar that they were missing. They were some of the last, so the confrontations became a little more aggressive.

They were facing Xathor, who was using his minions to surround the heroes. Even if all of them were sent back to Darkor, more came to replace them. Lord Voidus was either desperate or had a lot of staff.

-You look a little exhausted, Heralds- the Darkan said humorously as he saw how the boys each time lost ground and shot wrongly. He was so close to the fragment that he decided to end the battle.

-Do you know something? This is far too boring. Let me put an end to it... NETHERBOLTS! - He was gathering enough shadows to attack and knock out half of the heroes. However, a strange portal appeared from the sky above them, dropping a gormian in the middle of the battlefield. Everything stopped for a moment until the stranger rose slightly.

It was a girl with peculiar colors. Her long hair and her eyes were turquoise like an ice gormian's, but her skin was orange like a fire gormian's. She also wore an ice tribe armor. She was tall for a girl, but she was only so tall that you could not look at her head without having to lift yours a little. 

The newcomer was rubbing her neck, which was apparently the place where she had hit herself, although judging by the fall, it was surprising to see that she was still conscious.

-Who the heck are you?! - Shouted the Darkan frustrated at having been interrupted, although hey, a few more minutes of living for the Heralds is better than nothing.

"Wow. Just when I thought I couldn't run into anything more horrifying, just by letting yourself be seen, you went ahead and proved me wrong" the girl said in a mocking manner as she got up and shook her armor

- Mhmm, it seems that I arrived in the middle of something- she whistled after taking a look around, bumping into the boys - You're having it a little difficult, are you not? - She just gave a small laugh to address Cryptus - Oh, well. I suppose it shall have to be MY duty to beat you.

-Ha! beat me?! Don't you know who I am?! I AM CRYPTUS. The master of terror!! - He bragged with the intention of causing fear in the girl while he raised his weapon in the air, thinking it made him seem intimidating, but she simply looked away with a look of boredom on her face while doing a talking hand sign to show that all she heard when the Darkan talked was ''Blah, blah, blah''.

-Yeah, yeah, I know who you are. And I also know that in just a few seconds, I will be sending you back to the dump where you came from.

Attack! - And the troopers were now targeting the girl, who remained still as ice.

What is she doing?- asked Ikor, somewhat both desperate and confused.

They're going to catch her!- Ao-ki continued.

However, as soon as the troopers surrounded the girl, she got into position, placing her hands on the ground, emanating an aura of energy, apart from an icy breeze coming from her hands.

-Frost Stakes!!- and huge pieces of ice began to come out of the ground, undoing each specter that had surrounded her and the boys, leaving a spiral of ice.

Everyone present was shocked. How does she have ice powers? Was she part of the army? How could she defeat all of them so easily?

Even the Darkan was impressed. Impressed and furious.

-I'll make you pay for that. Nega-

Oh no, you don't.

Fireball- and, like that, a fireball generated In her hand, and it pointed right towards the Darkan. The fireball was slightly small, but when it hit the villain, it made up for its size by exploding, blasting Cryptus away to the portal that returned him back to Darkor while he screamed.

The boys approached the stranger with various mixed emotions like astonishment, confusion, and distrust, among others.

-How did you do that?! It was amazing! - Eron commented, being the first to approach.

-Yeah, you finished them off in an instant- Said Trek, being the second to approach. He really appreciated the help because he was really tired of being the one who had to summon a gormiti warrior.

-Yeah, well, actually, that was nothing. It was the easiest fight I've ever had. I'm that awesome. Deal with it.- she said arrogantly while smiling with her arms crossed and her head tilted to the top right.

-Mhmh, exactly where do you come from? Who are you?- and it was then that he saw her up close that he noticed the armor she had was different from the one that the soldiers of his kingdom possessed, and also that she had features that were familiar.

-Come on, Ikor! Whoever she is has helped us! -Riff commented, placing himself next to the girl, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

"He's right, we also have the fragment" Aoki said as he approached them after putting the fragment in the compass.

-I don't know, you guys-

-Oh well, if that's how you want it- She cleared her throat. Then, she striked a formal pose while separating from Riff's grasp -My name is Brinna, princess of the Kingdom of Ice- she said before she bowed.


Eron-of ice?

Ikor-Oh, wow...

Everyone showed a surprised gesture, except for lkor, who had a gesture of indignation.

-I. I am, Ikor! The prince of the Ice Tribe!- He said.

And now it was the girl who looked at him in surprise, approaching him way too much for the turquoise-eyed one's confortability, until she uttered something that left everyone shocked.


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