Free at last!

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It was around 6 pm when Tack started searching for you all around the palace. It was now 3 am and he started to think you ran off somewhere or that something bad happened to you. He was exhausted and he couldn't keep his eyes open but he wanted to keep searching for you, he himself couldn't explain why. He kept walking around when he reached the garden. He proceeded to walk towards the palace's wall and finally seated down and put his back to it to get some sleep.

Meanwhile, you were still sleeping in your cell. Some hours passed and it was now 6 am, you woke up and you realized it was very early and that no one saw your attempt at asking for help outside the little window. You took a peek from it and suddenly you saw him. Tack was there! He was leaning on the wall to your right and he was.. sleeping? Well, it was early in the morning so it was understandable. You knew you had to wake him up to ask for help but you took a moment to admire his resting face, even though you couldn't see much with only the little dawn light. You couldn't help but think that he was adorable even when he was sleeping. You remembered how cute he was when he blushed at you in the princess's room and that memory only made you blush too.

Wait! What were you thinking?! He's a fictional character, you can't catch feelings for an animated man. This had to be some kind of dream or something unreal. You can't just find yourself into a movie when you were sleeping on your bed just a day ago. For the moment you took those thoughts aside and reached Tack's arm with your hand to shake him awake.

You took his sleeve and started to shake him a little, no response. You shook a bit harder, no response. As you were shaking him even more harder you started to whisper his name "Tack, Tack.. Wake up!".
He suddenly jumped at the sound of your voice and looked to his left. You saw him shocked as he was getting closer to the opening to take a look at you. You explained why you were locked up in there " While I was following you and the thief I bumped into Zig Zag and he put me down here. Please help me." He started searching in his pockets until he took out a file, he smiled with his tacks and started to damage the two bars at the window.

-1 hour later-
In the movie it seemed like it took Tack two minutes to break those damn bars, but here he was taking A LOT of time. An hour already passed and he only broke one bar. It was excruciating but surprisingly the second bar broke in half an hour because it was weaker than the other one.

Once the two bars were gone you started to climb up the window with Tack's help. You managed to get out but you realized there was a very heavy ball attached to your ankle. You couldn't take your foot out no matter how strong you pulled. Tack put both of his hands in front of you to calm you down and he got his tack into the lock on your ankle to lock pick it open. It worked, you were now free from that damn cold cell!

Tack offered you a hand to get up and you took it. As you got up you both stopped for a moment hand in hand to look at yourselves. It felt like an eternity and you felt butterflies in your stomach, did you really like him? Ah! Why did you think that for the second time? You let go of the hand blushing and saw that Tack blushed too because he noticed you were holding hands for quite some time.

In that exact moment you both snapped out of it because.. the golden balls were stolen! The minaret was now empty, no balls at all. You could hear the king screaming, he was very worried for the future of the kingdom. You both walked to a square full of soldiers and saw king Nod about to alert his army. He screamed: "THE THREE GOLDEN BALLS ARE GONE!" Everyone gasped and looked up at the minaret, they really were gone!

As Tack was shocked by the news, you were very calm because you knew that the movie had to go like this. Tack went to lean against a wall and you followed after him. But when you placed your right hand on the wall the brick pressed like a button and the wall turned revealing a secret passage. You both stumbled over the sudden turn but didn't fall, you ended up in some kind of dark corridor and started to walk through it. It was all going smoothly when suddenly you heard Zig Zag's voice. Tack took your hand and walked up some stairs, his hand was soft.

This was the part where Zig Zag tried to convince the king in marrying Princess Yum Yum, but you couldn't hear them because you were walking around with Tack. Then suddenly you reached some stairs and took them just to find yourselves into the throne room. Princess Yum Yum was talking to his father and was trying to convince him in sending her to find the three golden balls. Then she saw you and said "Dad, will you let me go if I get a guide?" the king thought about it and said "Okay, if you have a guide I will be more at ease, you can choose any man or woman from the kingdom!" Princess Yum Yum pointed at you and said "I want these two to be my guides for the trip, is it possible?" The king nodded and ordered for you all to prepare yourselves for the pretty long journey.

As you were dressing yourself up in some clean and more comfortable clothes for the journey, you thought for the 1000 time about when you were going to go back to your real home. Were you going to be stuck in a movie for eternity? You didn't even know how you got here in the first place...
You came to the conclusion that maybe finishing the storyline of the movie would bring you back to the real world, so you took your bag and got out of the room to meet up with Tack and Princess Yum Yum just out of the palace.

How will the journey go?

Thank you all so much for the support and kind words you send me everyday! It keeps me motivated to finish this story <3 I'm all good now and I will have a Christmas break from school so I will definitely update more for you! With all that said, thank you again for reading my story. Have a nice day/night! :)

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