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the vampire dairies
season one --- season two

WHEN BIANCA AMORETTEE was a child, her parents had told her stories of mythical creatures that seemed to only belong in fairytales, where good and bad were clearly defined and one, the heroes, came out victorious, paving a way for peace and protection for those who could not protect themselves. In the young girl's eyes, her parents were embodiment of these stories. Everything in good in the world was because of them, as Bianca like every child had believed at the time. In times of hardship her mother, Adelaide Amorettee displayed a gift to her daughter and opened a door for an array of possibilities, a new world that belonged too.

Bianca craved to be apart of that world, becoming a part of her mother's shadow with the hopes of that dream being fulfilled. Even later into her life long since beginning to lose that child sense of wonder, her wishes still persisted. But life has a tendency of not following the path that it was hoped for. Nearing the middle of her freshman year, Adelaide Amorettee dissappears one night into thin air, without a trace and never to be seen again. The search lasted about a month before it was ultimately dropped, but in a small town such as Mystic Falls, nothing is ever is truly forgotten.

To stave herself to reminder of her mother's absence, Bianca drifted away from the fairytales and memories associated with them. Hiding them behind lock and key, never to be remembered again and for the hopes of her life to continue onward as it was supposed too. However, not everything in life can be prepared for, especially not that night.

The moments leading up to that night were a blur, but the pain and fear that coursed through her entire being would be forever ingrained into her mind. Teeth sharp like fangs slicing through the delicate skin near her neck, the metallic musk odor of her blood polluting the air, crimson liquid painting the skin of her assaulter until there was no telling where her blood ended and his skin began. Eyes like molten rock, black and soulless were her last sight before nothingness.

The event within itself had nearly driven Bianca into permanent isolation, refraining within the walls of her family home. Her sanity had been tethered to a tightrope and she was struggling to maintain balance when her father, Kenny Amorettee, exposed a long held secret, a secret that had been passed from members of her family---the stories that she had been told as a child were never just stories, but a reality that she had been closer to than she had ever known. The Amorettee name was tied to a powerful line of users of magic and witchcraft, born into the world with power flowing through their veins.

Adelaide Amorettee was a witch. And as fate would have it, as was Bianca.

With the truth of the supernatural and her new reality, Bianca's life was forever changed. Now the stories from her mother had broken free and left no option for escape. As if loosing her rose colored glasses, Bianca saw the world as it truly was, a world where monsters didn't hide under the bed but could be standing right at your side. It seemed, even more so following that night, that her magic had been awakened and saw no intent on being hidden any longer.

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