my irl bestie is getting worse

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TW: abl3ism, t0xic behavior kinda? some mentions of tr4nsphobia and parental d34th too
Okay so yesterday I was talking to my bestie (we'll call her Jenny) and a few of her friends

And I said something like "Man can't wait to get home and play some video games" and her friends were nodding and agreeing and shit

But today Jenny was telling me how I was making her look bad in front of these girls by saying I liked playing video games and that I "didn't have to be so fucking autistic" by bringing them up

(I am autistic, but I've never told her so...)

She's made fun of my weight, my face, my fashion sense, and my dead dad before

And she purposely deadnamed and misgendered me the last time we had an argument

So I think I might finally cut her off

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2022 ⏰

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