chapter 1

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CHAPTER 1 (takes place in the galaxy garrison's dorms? I guess, in an AU where Acxa started working there w/ Veronica Also i took the first bit from the dialogue that happens in S8 ep .)

"If you have a problem, let's end it now." Acxa grunted. That girl had been following her around all day, and this was the last straw.

"Acxa, It's not that I don't trust you." The girl, who's name was Veronica, said.

"Then what is it?"

"Honestly, i just wanted to get to know you." she said, avoiding Acxa's gaze.

"By sneaking up on me at a firing range?" She questioned, placing her hand on her hip.

"I didn't sneak up on you-" Veronica started.

"Only because I'm always aware of my surroundings." Acxa interjected.

"Look, I'm sorry that I may have been following you around. It just seemed like you could use a friend." Veronica mumbled, glancing away.

Acxa stood there, lowering her gun to face the girl. A friend. What harm could that do? She had had friends before, in a sense, but now of course she had joined the Galaxy Garrison, who was basically their enemy. And... something about Veronica seemed trustworthy.

"I Know it can be hard to fit in sometimes," the brunette continued.

Acxa turned her head, avoiding Veronica's gentle gaze.

"I've spent my entire life not fitting in. I'm used to it." she huffed.

"Right," Veronica acknowledged.

"I was an outcast, born and bred in war." Acxa began. "The only way I survived was to become worse than my enemies."

"I don't care about what you may have done in your past." Veronica dismissed, her gaze softening. "I know there's more to you than that."

"But some people only see Galra, and I understand why." Admitted Acxa. "Sometimes, even I question if my people have the ability to change."

"By choosing to join the coalition, you're living proof that it's possible." Veronica assured her, with a warmhearted smile. "I guess..." she lowered her gaze for a minute. "I wanna get to know the Acxa who turned her life around. I have a feeling everyone would like that person."

Acxa's gaze softened. Her brow lifted as she met Veronica's eyes, gazing into hers. The brunette's eyes seemed to bore into her soul. They were like oceans, shimmering with so much love and genuineness. Just then Acxa realized she had just been silently staring at the girl. She looked at the ground.

"Yeah.." she mumbled. She didn't know what else to say. No one had ever been this kind to her.

"Anyway," Acxa continued, shaking off the weird feeling inside her, "We should get back to training."

They continued shooting without saying another word.

The next day Acxa walked into the cafeteria for breakfast and sat at her usual table, alone. After the last incident she didn't really want to sit with the other cadets again. She sat down and began to eat her food, when she noticed a figure in her peripheral vision, approaching her table. She looked up only to see Veronica, smiling, looking down at her.

"Mind if I sit, space girl?" She asked cheerily.

Acxa shook her head, inwardly hesitating at the nickname. Veronica sat across from her.

"I'm sorry about the other cadets yesterday," she sighed, "They can be a little insensitive."

"It's no big deal." Said Acxa, showing no sign of discomfort. "So how did you end up at the Garrison?"

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