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"Girl, you're sprung..." Hazel whispered to me as we waited in the hotel lobby for the guys.

Us girls were waiting for the guys because tonight we were all going to dinner with Jordan to celebrate his career high, and while us girls were waiting for the guys, I was busy informing Hazel—the only person who knew about Donte and I—about what happened recently between us, and let's just say, she was getting a kick out of it.

"I am not sprung! I just...I don't know. I've haven't felt this way since..." I trailed off, refusing to say his name and shook my head.

"Since Ja?" Hazel said, finishing my sentence giving me a sad smile and I nodded. "Yeah.."

Hazel grinned. "Girl, all I know, is that from what you be telling me, he's treating you like the queen you are and deserve to be treated like and y'all aren't even together yet. If that isn't a sign, I don't know what it is."

"We're supposed to be going on a date while we're here and honestly, I'm a little nervous." I admitted.

"Why?" Hazel asked.

I shrugged and pushed my hair over my shoulder. "I don't know," I admitted. "I just...I really want things to work out between he and I.."

"You don't think it will?" she asked.

"I don't know," I groaned, trying to fight back from crying. "The last time that I had hoped and wanted a relationship to really work out, it didn't."

Hazel nodded, understanding what I was talking about and placed her hand on my shoulder. "Things will work out between you and Donte. I know it."

"Really?" I sniffled as she handed me a tissue.

"Girl, yes! That man looks at you like you're the light of his life..." She said. "I wish a man would look at me like that.."

Dray, who happened to walk past us, eyed Hazel suspiciously. "You wish a man would look at you like what?"

"Draymond, you minding my black ass business? Don't do that." She said, waving him off.

Dray jerked his head back in shock. "Damn what did I do? That's all I heard. By the way, Rini, Donte not looking too good, you should go check on him.."

"Shit..." I mumbled to myself.

I then paused and looked over at Dray who had a know-it-all smile on his face which made me realize that I had just given myself away, but then I glanced over to Hazel who looked just as shocked as I was and tried to figure out how in the hell Dray figured it out.

"How did you—."

Dray kissed his teeth and waved me off. "Rini, the energy that you two got and the way that you two been looking at each other, it's obvious that you two got something going on and on top of that, he kept asking for you."

"Oh God..." I groaned, running my hands through my hair.

"My question is, why are y'all hiding it?" Dray asked, sitting down beside me.

I shook my head. "We're not hiding it. We're just really private about it right now."

"Uh, I think that's hiding it..." Dray said with a nod of his head.

"It's not hiding it, Dray," Hazel said with a shake of her head. "It's like a private but not a secret, but right now, those two are still figuring things out. So keep your mouth shut."

Dray made a motion like he zipped his lips and threw away the key and smiled at me widely. "Your not so secret-secret is safe with me.."

"It better be..." I mumbled to myself as I stood up and walked from out of the lobby and down the hall.

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