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(A/N: Idk who all to include so ima just say any character that has a plot point. Also only heroes for now. And for context, the dekus across our dekuverse all know each other pretty well. Also I've seen those stories where Cannon Deku gets hit with a quirk and that's how they meet, I think that's overused. So I shall instead bring out the logic of The Author Authority!)

"So," Support Course Deku says. (From: 'Doing What I Can...'). "Who do you think we'll all meet today?"

"Probably another addition to Author-senpai's multiverse," Shiketsu High Izuku shrugs. (From: 'Not UA? Shiketsu it is!').

"Ya, Shiketsu is right," Truth muttered. (From: 'Secrets Always Get Out'). "We've only ever been brought here to meet another universe anyway, so no one has to have everything explained to us every time we come here."

"Who knows?" Zuzu says, in his normal sing-songy way. (From: 'A Different Kind Of Idol'). "We might meet someone else entirely!"

"Honestly, as long as it's not Bakugou. I'm cool with it," Came the annoyed voice of V. Deku. ('From: A Villain Chick').

"Agreed," The Green Hood nodded. (From: 'The Orphan Co.').

"Hey guys look!" Mr. Midoriya pointed towards a bright light. (From: 'Hatsume & Midoriya Industries'). "They're arriving!"

Out of the portal comes a group of many people. They are shocked, the author (me), hasn't ever brought this many people before!? Most of the pros get into a battle stance looking around. But it's actually Uraraka who notices the multiple Midoriyas in the room-

"Deku...s?" She muttered. Everyone of the newcomers turn to face towards Uraraka's direction.

"What the fuck/heck?!" The rest mutter or shout.

"So," Emerald Scythe muttered. (From: 'Heir of Valhalla'). "I guess Zuzu was right..." E.S. was sharpening one of his blades, while sitting on a table in the corner of the room.

"W-who are all of y-you?" Cannon Izuku asked, timidly.

"Oh funny story there, Cannon," Ghost Izuku smiled. (From: 'Haunted & Hunted'). "We're all you! But from different Universes of course."

"The fuck you mean ghost boy?!" Bakugou growled.


"Pull yourself Together, Villain Deku," E.S. rolled his eyes. "Sorry, about him. He can be dramatic sometimes."

"THE FUCK YOU SAY YOU FLUFFY GEM STONE!?" V. Deku growled, mocking E.S.'s fluffy hair and given title.

"You heard me or are your ears as broken as you are?" E.S. smirked.

"OK THAT'S IT YOUR DEAD!" V. Deku pulled a knife from his sleeve, only to be tackled and disarmed, by E.S.

"Fuck off Villain Deku," E.S. stood up. "You're no match for a trained assassin."

"Will you guys stop fighting!?" Shiketsu Izuku growled, as he looked up from his notebook. Only to go back to writing a second later.

"Please get along while we're here," Zuzu sighed. "Afterall, you don't want to be deleted, right?"

"Stop using your quirk to convince them to stop, Zuzu!" Cadet Izuku said. (From: 'On The Force'). "That's illegal!" 

"Why don't we just calm down?" Manipulative V. Deku said, calmly. (From: 'Manipulation'). "Or things are really gonna get out of hand."

The heroes and students were just shocked. THESE people were supposed to be Izuku Midoriya?!

'What Could Have Been' Meets The CannonWhere stories live. Discover now