"You, But Different!"

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(A/N: By canon I mean 'Season 5 Canon Personality' Sorry, but I'm barely caught up as I watch the dubbed version, and because of school and work. Also 'Truth' has been removed from my 'WCHB' series for copyright reasons.)

Cannon Izuku was stunned at what he just heard-

"Just who are you?!" Izuku asked- no demanded.

"We're you, but different!" Support Course Deku smiled. "We just have very different views!"

"Ya, but Deku-kun would never think heroes are bad!?" Uraraka said, sadness and confusion in her voice.

"Are you aware of the multiverse theory?" Asked Cadet Izuku. The cannon characters nodded. "Well, it's described as 'there are infinite universes and every choice you make, not only affects YOUR world, but an infinite number of words.'"

"Say you took a right turn at a stop sign for a short cut to work one day," Coded started. "And there was a car wreck a few minutes later on the left. In your world, you avoided the crash altogether. In another, you turned left, you may have been part of the crash and been injured or even killed."

"In other words," Mr. Midoriya continued- "The fact you survived, possibly injured or even killed the other version of you."

"Similar to the butterfly effect!" Zuzu smiled. "For instance, since you avoided the crash and another version of you died, another may have gotten into the crash, but was completely unharmed."

"To sum it up," The Green Hood muttered. "Whatever you do technically doesn't matter. As whatever you chose NOT to do, will happen. Just not in your world."

"Well that is not a very heroic or open minded mindset!?" Iida stated firmly, chopping his arms. Some of the aus' looked at each other, others just glared or looked at him like he was an idiot. Iida realized pretty quick just what they were referring to and backed off.

"You do realize half of us are villains and/or civilians... Right?" Rabbit (From: 'Rabbits Can be Hunters Too') growled. "So 'h3R0iCz' aren't really our thing..." Rabbit deadpanned.

"What do you do?" Todoroki asked Rabbit. "And what do we call you?"

"I'll answer in reverse order," Rabbit said, nonchalantly. "Call me Rabbit. And I'm Stain's successor."

"YOU'RE WHAT!?" Some of the characters yelled. Rabbit rubbed his ears.

"God, you all have problems with keeping your damn voices down. And I said, I'm the next hero killer. He saved me after I got my dreams crushed and tried to end my own life. Then, my mom died in a fire, the heroes did nothing to save her. Not like I jumped head first into this life, I spent a while considering it, but ultimately decided it was better than jumping off the first building I looked at."

"That... probably makes it worse..." Canon Izuku muttered.

"So? Not like I can turn back now?" Rabbit shrugged.

"Sure you can!" Izuku said, brightly. "The heroes can help yo-"

"God, will you get it through your thick skull, canon me!" V. Deku growled. "We. don't. care. if. you. think. it's. good. or. not!? You are a lucky brat who got everything he wanted and most of us were left in the dust because of YOUR decision. So don't try and save us, when we don't want to be saved! And remember you CAN'T SAVE SOMEONE IF THEY DON'T WANT YOUR DAMN HELP!?"

"That's not true," Todoroki growled. "He helped me, even though I never asked for it."

"Same!" Uraraka chimed in. E.S. rolled his eyes-

"Not asking for help, and not wanting it are too different things. Tell me, Uraraka was it?" The said girl nodded. "Look, you didn't ask for help... but did you want to be crush by a giant robot?"

"Well no, but-"

"Todoroki-san," E.S. cut Uraraka off. "You didn't ask for help, but did you want to be cold and heartless and be stuck under your father's rule forever?"

"No, I did not."

"My point stands." E.S. stand down and continued sharpening his blades.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2023 ⏰

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