Chapter 1 Letter

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"Oh my gosh! Its here! Natalie its here!" 

"What?" I replied shakily. Its 5:32 in the morning. I am so tired! Why, why do you do this to me Jasmine? I think to myself.

I walk into the living room to find her going crazy and staring at an envelope. Must have arrived last night while we were out. Guess she found it. 

"What the hell is here?!" I repeat, since she didn't answer me the first time.

"The r-results!"

"No, freaking way..." If I am right, the only contest we entered was one about One Direction. Tons of other girls must have entered aswell so I don't think we really had a chance of winning. But we will find out!

"I want you to open it Natalie." Says Jasmine with a big smile.

"Okay. But don't get your hopes up since there is only a tiny sliver of a chane we have won this thing."   I warned her.

"Okay, shut up and open it already!"

So much for that big smile.

I rip off the top. I pull the big (fancy) paper out. 

"Read it out-loud!" Cries Jasmine...

"We are glad to inform you, that out of many people, you have...What... Won?!"

"Shut, the front, door. "Says Jasmine. I was thinking the same thing exactly. Well , a little less appropriatley.

"Finish, I need to know if this is legit!" She is screaming now.

"Jasmine White, and Natalie Robert Marie... Ugh, too much reading, I'll read it all later. Don't worry, I'm sure it's legit!"

As I speak, I find two, actual, real, legit, tickets!  I almost fainted right there.  No joke.

"AHHHHH" We both scream in unision. We are jumping, dancing, twirling, screaming, crying, and really pissing off the nieghbors!


Authors Note:

I know I might not have spelled everything right sorry... :(

This is meh first story so don't be harsh now :3 Lol! I don't know if this is good enough to continue the story so PLEASE send me feedback in the comments below... Or in a private message, actually IT DONT MATTAH MY LOVELIES!! I live in Canada by the way... Haha I need a life.... my Unicorn is dying... WELL BYEEEE PLZ SEND FEEDBACK


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