Chapter 5

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*Rosies POV*

       "He's so handsome. Ugh I want him so badly!" Raven whined while I took a piss in the club bathroom. These things are nasty like eww thank goodness for my Megan knees because squatting is a must when using public restrooms. Nothing this dirty will ever get near my no no square. She has been going on and on about Adriano for 20 minutes now. I told her go for it for like 8 times now.
"If you don't grow some Tits and ask him to none or shut the hell up!" I huffed out wiping my cootie with some wipes then dabbing myself dry with a hand towel. Honestly I don't like the feeling of a wet booty hole from the wipes call me weird but I have to dry my booty.
"Ugh fine but then you have to shoot your shot with the brother, since you both can't stop eye fucking each other." She fired back. My cheeks felt as if they were set on fire. She did have a point, but I wasn't ready for that yet. Especially with my past. I'm just not ready for that yet. Maybe some flirting but taking the next step I just can't. No matter how good he looked.
   "You know I can't Rave. I'm just not ready." I said while flushing the toilet and zipping up my pants. After walking out the stall I stood in front of the sink, collecting some hand soap and scrubbing my hands clean. After rinsing and drying my hands, I turned to my sister with a soft smile.
    "It's been a 3 years and 6 months. I think it's time to start taking steps towards that step and it starts with that man out there. Who knows maybe you guys would end up getting married." Rave joked around. I don't understand. It's only been 3 years and 6 months, does she not understand what the fuck I've been through?
  "You know what Rave I'm just going to call it a night. Enjoy the rest of the night, Ti amo." I sighed out exiting the bathroom. I started heading towards the V.I.P area to say my good nights to everyone. I heard the bathroom door open so I knew Raven was right behind me.
    "Come on Rosie, I didn't mean it like that. I'm just a tad bit drunk." She tried to plea with me. I was honestly tired, tired of everything around me and everyone around me. This wasn't the first time she's said something like this. I'm over it.
    "Yeah well let me just fucking go home and try and forget about everything he  did to me. Look,I'm tired it was good while it lasted but I'm going home." I huffed out. Slightly annoyed I walked towards our group. Leon was the first to notice my mood, quickly raising a questioning eyebrow towards me. Before he can ask anything I spoke up.
    "Hey guys I'm calling it a night. I had a great night it was nice meeting you guys hope to see you all soon. Love you Mel's and Sergio please take good care of her. Rave are you staying or?" I questioned my sister. She glanced behind me before meeting my eyes.
   "I'm going to stay a little longer. I'll call you in the morning okay?" She said it more as a question. I just gave her a tight lipped smile and made my leave. Half way towards the exit a strong arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me into a strong hard chest.
"Why are you really leaving Principessa?" Leon's hot breath hit my ear as he whispered into it. I shuddered from the feel of it. So minty and warm.
"I'm tired. Plus I have work in the morning." I slightly lied. I don't work until 8pm but he doesn't know that.
"Hmmm are you lying to me Principessa?" He smirked down on me, and I swear my panties got damped. Man this mans smirk could put anyone 6ft under.
"Nope not lying, but I do have to go or my Uber will leave me. It was nice meeting you, Spero di rivederti presto?" I smirked when I seen his eyes widen. Guess he didn't expect me to speak Italian. I have many talents trust me.
"Oh, fidati di me piccola bambola, mi vedrai presto. Molto presto." He smirked back. I swear butterflies erupted in my stomach. Man this man would end up breaking me if I ever think about letting my guard down. I have to stay strong. With one last smirk sent his way I departed from the club and into my Uber. Man I can't wait to be home already. Daydreaming the whole ride home I didn't realize how fast the ride was. Walking up to my apartment building I didn't know how slow my brain was moving but it definitely didn't process the danger warning ahead of me. As soon as I locked eyes on him, my world stopped moving, my lungs stopped working, my heart stopped pumping. My world slipped from under my feet, and everything went black.


Hello my lovely readers. I know crazy chapter... any guesses on who it can be? Vote vote vote comment comment comment 💖😘 happy reading

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