~ chapter 5 ~

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Kang Yuri thought she had it all planned out.

The moment Seonghwa shared his plans of making her stay until she's completely healed was also the moment she'd made up her mind.

I'm going to escape.

It wouldn't pose a problem, right?
She would just need a day's rest before she should be able to move again.
Of course she would only need a day.
She was strong, after all.

I'm general Kang Yuri.

Yuri eyed the sleeping man.

Seongwha was committed to a very deep slumber. The healer had informed her that he hadn't slep properly because he was busy, trying to keep her alive.

Her state was very critical when he found her.

Perhaps, that sole fact was the only reason she found herself contemplating wether she should really just run away or not. The general felt guilty.

He had helped her after all.
And judging from the dark eyebags under his eyes he really must've been taking care of her for a long period.

But, she did express her gratitude.

So it was alright, probably.

Where's my armor?

Yuri was searching for one part of her gear specifically.

Where's my sword?

That particular piece of metal was excepcionally important to her. It was the sword her father had passed onto her, before he died, and it had been the weapon she's been fighting and training with ever since.
It had saved her life countless times.

She couldn't just leave it behind like that.

I'm ready for this.

I've been through worse.

Or so she thought as Yuri stood up, albeit slowly.
She clutched her stomach, hoping that it would help ease the pain as she bit her lips, piercing and drawing blood as she tried to keep herself silent.

Then came the first step.

Just like any toddler, who just started walking. Staying steady on her feet had never been harder.
The girl felt her knees buckle beneath her multiple times as she walked in tiny baby steps, making her slightly panic every time it happened, afraid of hitting the ground again.

Almost there.

And just when she was about to reach the door and walk into the hallway - which would allow her to be a bit more verbal in order to cope with the horrible pain and would also mean she's as good a gone-
the sound of bells dingling, interrupting her silent victory song.

Yuri froze.
The noise was loud, too loud for her taste.

She quickly glanced down, shock evident in every feature of her face as she found the red thread that had been fixed between the colums of the door with many, little bells attached to it.

The ravenette quickly looked back, only to meet eyes with Park Seonghwa.

Time stopped for a second, making her feel like a deer caught in the lights of a torch, as the male eyed her, clear disappointment reigning in his eyes.

"Miss Kang."

His voice was warning, deep, threatening.

The female knew she couldn't escape now, especially not in her current state.
What a pity though; she was a very bad and spiteful looser.
After all, Yuri's never had to admit defeat in her life ever before.


Seonghwa felt his eyes widen as he jerked forward, watching the girl as she suddenly dissappeared behind the door.

Become a healer they said.

The distraught male slipped his shoes on, before he ran into the corridor, just to feel a huge weight being lifted off of his shoulders at his findings.

Not more than three metres, Kang Yuri laid on the floor, completely passed out, again.

It'll grant you an easier life and recognition they said. People will respect you.

Seonghwa shook his head in disappointment as he walked towards the weakened girl, carefully picking her up.

She was thinner than the last time he remembered.

He immediately noticed how light she was in his arms in comparison to her when she had armor on. Of course, the metal made a huge difference in her weight, but still, it was obviously too little. He took a mental note that he'd have to feed her nutricious and a lot of food after she's awake again.

Just what war was this girl fighting in?

Seonghwa couldn't help but ponder.
She was obviously a knight, however, as far as he knew, there was no war taking place anywhere near and especially not in this kingdom.
Speaking of those, he also couldn't identify which kingdom she fought for, seeing the lack of any brooche or coat of arms on her gear.

There were so many scars on her skin, so many open wounds, so many bruises.
Due to the fact that he's never had to deal with someone this injured, it scared him.

Just what war was she fighting?

The room was enveloped in silence.

The male worked diligently, unwrapping, inspecting, cleaning and changing. The procedure was engraved in his mind as he thoughtlessly repeated the same routine, feeling slightly better.

At least something I can do.

Seonghwa had been working on a cure for a disease that has been spreading in his hometown. More people were dying day by day, others were waiting for him, hoping that their beloved Seonghwa would, one faitful day, walk out of his house with the news that he had developed a remedy.

The pressure was immense.

Yet, after many painful weeks of sacrificing his sleep, rest and health; nothing.

He truly felt like a failure.
Never in his life did he ever have to deal with something this big, this fatal and especially so personal.

The male leaned back after having finished his work.
At least he was able to help someone.

The room might be silent, but it didn't feel as lonely anymore; Kang Yuri's presence brought him, in some twisted kind of way, comfort. She was the proof that he wasn't a complete looser.

It made him smile, ever so small and content.


Feel free to leave productive criticism and point out typos. See you soon my lovely Potatoes ♥️

08.07.2023; 1013 words

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