Happy Little Accident [A.G.] ☀️🛡

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Andrew Garfield x GN!Reader (Platonic)

Summary: You remenice on your friendship with the wonderful Andrew Garfield.

Warnings: Reader wears suits, referred to once as man

Word Count: 958

A/N: For this, just pretend that Jesse Eisenberg got married in 2010. Also, italics are memories.

Usually you weren't a fan of interviews. But this one was more fun than the rest. Not only were you being interviewed by Jimmy Fallon, who always made interviews fun, but your best friend, Andrew Garfield, was getting interviewed with you.

You were in your dressing room when a stage hand came in and told you that you were on stage in 5 minutes. You walk to the side before going out when Jimmy calls your name.

Waving, you walk on stage and shake hands with the man. Then, Jimmy calls out Andrew. You stand up so you can give the man a hug.

Once you are both settled in, and the crowd has settled down, Jimmy starts. "Y/N, dashing as always. You're rocking your suit better than Andrew is!"

You laugh at that before replying, "Always have, always will." Andrew slaps your arm in retaliation.

"So! First off, we know you guys are in your 7th movie together! Holy cow! This one is a little film called Spiderman: No Way Home. Now I have to ask, how long have you guys known each other?"

You huff and go to reply before Andrew sighs and says, "Wow. It's been a while now, hasn't it. We met in 2010, so..." You answer at his pause.

"We've been friends for about 14 years now. Damn, we're old." Andrew nods while grinning.

"So how did you two meet? Because you weren't in The Social Network, were you? That came out in 2010." Jimmy asks, sounding genuinely intrigued.

You thought back to when you first met your now best friend.

14 years ago...

You normally weren't this clumsy, but this wedding was absolutely packed. While you walk backwards, you apologize to the person who you had just bumped into.

Just as you turn around, you bump into a very tall, lanky man. He starts to fall, but you quickly reach out to grab him.

"Thank you so much. I would be so embarrassed if I fell on my arse in front of all of these people." The man says in a clipped British accent. "I'm Andrew."

"I am so sorry for bumping into you! I'm Y/N. Can I buy you a drink as an apology?" You realize you are still holding onto his arm. You let go, before extending your hand for a handshake.

He grins at you before reciprocating. "I might just take you up on that offer. Also, so sorry, but could I sit with you? I honestly don't know anyone here except for the groom."

You nod and smile at him, noting the relief on his face. "How do you know Jesse?" You inquire.

"Well, I'm an actor. We did The Social Network together, and got pretty close on set. He invited me, and I think he forgot that he's the only one I know here."

You laugh before stating, "Yeah, that sounds like Jesse. Well now you also know me. C'mon, let's go find our seats so Jesse's Grandmother doesn't pick on me wearing a suit like she always does."

He chuckles at that before following you into the church.

After the ceremony, you walk with Andrew to the reception, getting to know each other better. You tell him that you also act, and have been in a few movies.

He asks if that's how you know Jesse, but you tell him that you actually have known each other since you guys were children.

You sit down at the bar and start telling Andrew embarrassing stories about Jesse from when you guys were kids. Suddenly, you feel someone practically pounce on your back.

"There he is! Man of the hour! Congratulations, dude." You say while clapping your childhood friend on the back.

He exhales before excitedly saying, "I'm married, Y/L/N! This is crazy." Then he notices Andrew seated next to you. "Ah! I'm glad you met Andrew. So sorry, Garfield, I forgot that I'm probably the only person you know here."

You and Andrew share a look before bursting out laughing. That's exactly what you knew he would say. Jesse looks at you two, super confused. "What? What'd I say?" You shake your head, muttering "nothing", wiping tears from your eyes.

Jesse shakes his head in amusement before wandering off to greet his other guests. When you and Andrew finally calm down, you go back to talking about your lives. Losing track of time, you guys talk for hours, truly cementing your friendship when you exchange numbers.

"So you guys are friends because Y/N Y/L/N knocked Andrew Garfield over, and because Jesse Eisenberg forgot that Andrew didn't know anyone at his wedding?" Jimmy asks incredulously.

You nod, realizing how stupid the story of how you met was. "We truly became friends when we had one of those talks that went really deep. Like we were talking about our traumas and shit." You realize you cursed and quickly cover your mouth.

Andrew laughs at you before looking at you softly. "I'm really glad I met you though. I don't know what I would do without you. I would definitely have not made it this far."

The audience awws and you smile at the man next to you. "Man, you can't make me cry on TV. I have an image to uphold. But seriously, same man. I wouldn't have made it through the pandemic without you. I love you, dude."

"I love you too, man." Glancing out at the audience, you realize that without the man next to you who you consider more a brother than a friend, there would be no way that you would be where you are today.

You couldn't be happier that you knocked Andrew over, because if you hadn't, you wouldn't have had this beautiful 14-year friendship.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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