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Snow covered the hills as the sun set. His hands stayed behind his back as he watched the snow fall slowly. He heard the door open behind him. "Your Highness."

He turned his head to the voice. "They're ready for you." The guard said, his helmet at his hip. The Prince nodded. "I'll be there soon. Thank you." He said. The guard bowed his head before putting his helmet on and leaving. The Prince looked back out to the snow, taking a deep breath. He turned back to his room and grabbed his coat. His dressers helped him into the coat before nodding. "It's time." One said before leading him to the throne room. He saw guests stand for him as he slowly approached the throne. "May we welcome, Prince Ivan, to the throne. Are you willing to take the oath?" The Reverend asked. The Prince bowed his head. "I am willing."

"Then kneel, Your Highness."

The Prince slowly lowered to one knee before the Reverend spoke again. "Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the laws of God and the true profession of the Orthodox? Will you to the utmost of your power maintain in Russia the protestant reformed religion established by law?" He asked. The Prince nodded. "I will." He responded "Will you maintain and preserve inviolably the settlement of the Orthodox of Russia, and the doctrine, worship, discipline, and government thereof, as by law established in Russia?"

"I will Reverend Father."

"And will you preserve unto the bishops and clergy of Russia, and to the orthodoxies there committed to their charge, all such rights and privileges as by law do or shall appertain to them or any of them?" He asked once more.  The Prince nodded. "I will." He said again. The Reverend nodded before reaching for a chalice. The Prince raised his hands as the Reverend poured the water over his hands. "Please sit, Your Highness." The Reverend spoke motioning to the throne. The Prince sat in the throne as the Reverend walked to him. "May we present the barmas." He said as servants came with the items. The Prince lowered his head as he allowed the barmas to be put onto him. He raised his head once more before items were placed in his hands. "The Scepter and Orb. Use these with great power, for healing and protection." The Reverend said before he turned to grab the next item.

The Crown.

He closed his eyes as he felt the crown placed onto his head. "May I present to you, the Tsar of Russia, His Majesty Emperor Ivan! God Save the Tsars!" The Reverend yelled . The Emperor opened his eyes as the crowd stood.

"God Save the Tsars!!"

- 340 Years later -

"Ivan! Ivan wake up!!"

The boy opened his eyes as he glanced next to him. "We're here." His friend, Igor said. Ivan nodded as he slowly sat up and collected his stuff. He rubbed his eyes as he quickly switched his hearing aid batteries out. Then he stood and followed after his friend, his backpack on his back. "Students, may I welcome you to the Winter Palace!" He heard his teacher say as he got off the bus. "Home of the late Romonov's. Now, please remember to take notes as well as stay with your partners or group. We will meet back up at the bus at 4pm!" He said. "Come on. Lets get this over with." Igor said as he put his headphones on. "I'm coming." Ivan said as he followed after his friend. "Whoa." Igor said as he stopped. Ivan looked up at the inside of the palace. "This is amazing.."

Ivan looked around before he grabbed Igor's wrist. "Look at this." He said. In front of them were rows of crowns and sceptors. "That looks heavy as hell. Can you imagine having that on your head for who knows how long?" Igor said with a laugh. Ivan chuckled slightly. "With your small ass head, it would crush instantly." He said with a snicker. Igor rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah. Whatever. Lets go over here." He said as he walked off. They walked around the palace before heading to the room of Tsars. They looked at the multiple Tsar's before Igor stopped. "Yo, come here."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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