🔪roblox: work at a pizza place

19 3 0

Bold: roblox chat
Italics: voice
Regular: text

Geoff: I'm bored

Awsten: same can someone entertain me

Jawn: I'll give you a lap dance bbg 😘

Awsten: Oh bet

Jawn: I'm kinda busy unfortunately

Awsten: kms

Geoff: awsten do you wanna play roblox

Awsten: YES

Geoff: damn okay toddler


Geoff: okay man just calm down

Awsten: okay okay imma start a video call and you join it. While I'm doing that join a server, I'll join in a sec

Geoff: okie dokie

-awsten has started a video call-

-geoff has joined the video call-

Awsten: before we start playing, look at this

Geoff: please don't tell me it's the-

Awsten: it's the ball chin mask

Geoff: of course it is

Awsten: okay I'm joining the server right now

Geoff: slay

Awsten: should we make a mess

Geoff: nah I don't really-

Awsten: I'm throwing pizzas on the floor

Geoff: nevermind

Awsten: I'm voting the manager out I wanna be manager

Geoff: dude she just did a vote kick on you

Awsten: fuck her

Geoff: *jawns imoression of geoff* I'd fuck her she's kinda fine

Awsten: bro??


Awsten: 😡

Geoff: what the hell is happening

Awsten: are those supply boxes

Geoff: yea they're just falling from the ceiling

Awsten: did i just crash the fucking game

Geoff: maybe, I mean you did throw yourself in the oven multiple times and you threw pizzas everywhere

Awsten: you're right anyways I'm out

Geoff: aw okay bye BFF

Awsten: bye bbg

-Awsten has left the call-

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