Chapter 12 - The Injury

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Hailee's POV
It's the morning of the final match, UCLA vs Stanford. I woke up to make babes breakfast and coffee. I'm making blueberry pancakes and cutting up some strawberries and pears but not pineapple since she's allergic while singing a new song I started writing.
"Good morning Haiz." y/n says walking towards me.
"Morning sleepyhead, come on let's eat breakfast." I say handing her the coffee mug.
"Thank you bub." She says giving me a quick kiss before sitting down to eat. We sit in comfortable silence before y/n gives me another kiss, thanks me again and then goes to shower. I clean up the kitchen of her apartment and pull out some of her clothes since I didn't bring any of mine. I decided on stealing her training joggers, boxers and a sports bra. I grab a pair of socks when I see y/n's meds and I take out the ones she takes in the morning and I grab a water bottle from the kitchen. When I get back to her room she's pulling up her boxers. She turns and looks at me and I bite my lip.
"Well don't you look hot in my clothes, boyfriend Hailee is HOT. Here bubs take this." She says handing me a UCLA hat.
"Thanks babes now get dressed you have to be there soon!" I say. She stumbles around her room trying to find an outfit and she ultimately decides on wearing a white nike sports bra and overtop a navy blue blazer and dress pants with her white air forces.
"You look handsome babes." I say kissing her quickly.
"Let's go baby." She says grabbing my hand and leading us out the door and to her truck. She helps me into the passenger seat and rushes over to the other side of the car and starts it. She puts on her RayBans Clubmasters sunglasses and starts driving to the campus. I love this girl.
"You're staring Haiz." She says.
"I know." I say. "How are you feeling?" I ask.
"My leg and ribs don't hurt much anymore thanks to you Dr. Steinfeld. I'm very nervous about fucking everything up for the team." She says.
"Babes you're gonna be amazing out there. You always are princess." I say intertwining our fingers. She relaxes before turning up the music and soon we park in front of the UCLA training facility.
"Okay baby here are the keys feel free to take the truck and go get whatever you need before the game or you are welcome to come inside and wait in the building while we get ready for the game." She says.
"I'll go with you, I don't have anything to do." I say and she smiles.
"Okay let's go." I say grabbing her hand and helping her out of my truck. We walk into the bullring and Kai and Liv are standing in the lobby.
"Hey you big baby how are you feeling?" Kai asks.
"So much better." I say.
"Hey Hailee." Kai and Liv say.
"Hi guys." Haiz says smiling.
We continue talking until someone interrupts us.
"Hey guys!" Anna says walking in.
"Hey boon!" I say letting go of Hailee's hand and giving Anna a hug. Anna whispers into my ear. "Go back to your girl she looks mad at you for leaving her." Making me chuckle and a walk back to Hailee and kiss her forehead. We all sit down in the lobby and chat until the Coach walks in and makes Anna, Kai and I go get ready. I give Hailee a kiss before walking to the locker rooms. We get to the locker room and are kits are neatly laid out in front of our lockers. I take off my suit and hang it up inside my locker and I begin getting dressed. I put on my shorts and my long sleeve goalie jersey which are yellow today everyone else has our home kits on which are blue. I put on my socks and leave my cleats and shin guards and goalie gloves sitting in front of my locker while I run my extra jersey to Hailee. I grab Kai's on my way out for Liv since she's slow and is still getting ready. I get to the lobby and see Liv and Hailee still talking.
"Hey angel, hey Liv" I say smiling at them. "Here's my jersey for you Haiz and here's Kai's for you Liv." I say.
"I love you babes good luck today I will be cheering you on." Hailee says smiling at me.
"I love you more Haiz." I say before running back to the locker room. When I get back everyone is here and dressed. I tuck my shin guards into my socks and lace up my cleats. I shove my goalie gloves in the waistband of my shorts before we start heading out to the stadium. We all walk out and start warming up. We start by stretching and warming up with some small drills before we split off. I get in goal and work with Kai and Anna who are taking shots against me. I stand in goal and look at the crowd. I spot Hailee and wave at her. She waves back and I blow her a kiss but get a face full of ball.
"WHAT THE FUCK!" I say turning to Kai who just kicked the ball.
"I'm sorry y/n I thought you were paying attention." Kai says laughing with Anna.
"Not my fault if Hailee hurts you later." I said motioning to my girlfriend shooting daggers at Kai.
"Okay let's get back to warming up." Anna says laughing.
After another ten minutes I start to feel comfortable and warmed up. Coach calls us in for a pep talk.
"Okay girls this is it the big game. Give it your all its now or never. Every single one of you deserves this win. Play with your heart. I believe in every single one of you. We will win!" Coach says and we all cheer. "Bruins on three. One, two, three."
"BRUINS!" We all yell.

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