Hello, lover mine,

I found your old scrapbook today. You have a picture of our wedding day on page 30. You looked so beautiful that day. You had your hair all done up with flowers and hairspray. It stuck up in places and it made me laugh.

I remember your vow so distinctly, because it was so funny. You promised to 'hold me, even when I'm being a cock. Show me off to your friends, even though I'm the social equivalent of a fireplace.' It was sweet. You gave me a flower from your bouquet. It was a white tulip. You told me that as long as the flower lived, so would our love. I got it preserved so it would live forever. It made you cry. You were happy beyond belief. I love you so much, my love.

I miss you. Although the fates of this mortal world shall see us speak no longer, our love still remains as passionate as ever. I cannot wait until you are in my arms again, my dearest friend and lover.

However, I must be getting going now,
Yours, very, very sweetly,

Yours, GarettWhere stories live. Discover now