Chapter 22 "Zero" and Mobius.

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【Simulation Time: 50,000 years ago, Previous Era. 】

【Simulation Location, the Headquarters of Fire Moth. 】

【Simulation Copy: Snake and "Infinite". 】

After entering the simulation, this time, Gao Qi did not feel the passage of time, on the contrary, he felt that everything was frozen.

'I seem to be staying in a cloud of muddy water, slowly floating in it, looking at the other side of the water, countless figures walking back and forth.'

【You are a corpse, the victim of the Third Eruption. 】

【However, it is a great honor that your corpse was selected by a great scientist with great vision and became an experimental subject to participate in the glorious evolution of mankind. 】

【However, there is no saying that scientific research experiments can be accomplished overnight, and you are just one of the countless experimental subjects. After you died in the Eruption, you did not become a Zombie. The corruption that the Honkai can produce is not surging on you. For that, you have gotten a lot of attention for it. 】

Gao Qi's consciousness remained clear, watching the figures outside the water wave walking back and forth, watching various pipelines floating around him, but he was completely unable to move.

【The Honkai energy did not completely corrupt you, on the contrary, it made your body have some kind of wonderful activity. It is precisely because of this that the scientist conducted many experiments on your body, and even practiced some kind of concept that exists only in theory.】

【Combining human and Honkai beast genes, and using the power of the Honkai to fight against the Honkai while ensuring human rationality. 】

【This plan is called the MANTIS Project. It was proposed by Dr. Mei, and the executor of the plan is the world's greatest biologist, a super genius who is a one in a billion—the veteran of the Fire Moth, Dr. Mobius! 】

【And you are her most precious —— Experiment No. 0! 】

【Although the Honkai beast factor in your body did not produce any reaction, and you became a failure, as a typical case, Mobius kept you. 】

【And now——you're about to wake up. 】

Finally, Gao Qi's consciousness gradually returned to his body, and he began to try to move his fingers one by one to regain control of his body little by little.

And for some reason, within Gao Qi's body, he had just acquired the Authority of the Herrscher of Death, and the power of creation in it seemed to have found some kind of power that was similar to himself and had an excellent fit.

This power came from some external transplant, and it should have been dormant in Gao Qi forever, but his Herrscher powers forcefully awakened it—life, and vitality, began to return to Gao Qi.

Then, Gao Qi opened his eyes.


"Wait for me, Fuxi, you're leaving so fast, just help me get the card!"

"Slow down, Nuwa, you're not supposed to be so noisy in the laboratory."

In the cold laboratory full of technological equipment, the electronic door slowly opened, and a petite girl with a piece of bread in her mouth rushed in, shaking her messy long brown hair, with a panicked face.

After swiping an employee card on the card reader, Nuwa finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw a burst of green light above.

"Yeah, I caught up this time! No need to buy milk tea for the doctor—hey, Fuxi, did you show a regretful expression just now!"

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