Who do you celebrate Christmas with and what do they get you?

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Aries: Filbo and he gets you a strabby. (It took him hours to get)

Taurus: Beffica and she gets you a bff necklace for you and herself.

Gemini: Chandlo and he gets you weights.

Cancer: Wiggle and she gets you a guitar with a microphone.

Leo: Floofty and he gets you a "test subject" bugsnax.

Virgo: Shelda and she gives you the bugsnax you wanted "purified".

Libra: Cromdo and he gets you some ties. 

Scorpio: Gramble and he gives you some knitted bugsnax sweaters.

Sagittarius: Triffany and she gets you a book of bone puns.

Capricorn: Eggabell and she gives you some med kits.

Aquarius: Snorpy and he give you some protection devices to hide from the "grumpanaughty".

Pisces: Elizabert and she gets you a bunger.

Bugsnax Zodiacs! (Because I could and I was bored)Where stories live. Discover now