»»---- Important ----««

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Dear members,

We hope this message finds you well. We wanted to address a concern that has been brought to our attention. We have noticed that some members sign up for activities and are unable to complete them or provide explanations that do not meet our expectations. We understand that everyone has other commitments, but we kindly ask that if you sign up for an activity, you commit to it.

We understand that unforeseen circumstances can arise, and we would like to accommodate such situations. However, we have noticed a trend where some members use excuses that do not align with the spirit of the group. We put in a lot of effort to create these activities for you, and it would be disrespectful to those who are committed to the group if some members do not take the activities seriously.

Therefore, we have made changes to our policy to ensure that the group's integrity is maintained. If a member signs up for three activities and either fails to submit work or provides an unsatisfactory excuse, they will receive a demerit. Three demerits result in a strike, and three strikes may result in suspension from **all events** for at least one month. We encourage members to take the activities seriously and not sign up if they know they cannot commit to them.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

Best regards,

The Moderators

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