Chapter 1

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(Zoro’s P.O.V)

I’ve been tied to this post for nine days and I have twenty-one days left. I heard the front gates open and I lifted my head up to see them drag someone into the prison yard. They dragged her to a post next to me and tied her up. She looks familiar but I can’t put my finger on it. “What are you here for?” I asked curiously. “Helmeppo was beating up a kid so I back handed him and then kicked him in the nuts,” she said. She chuckled and said, “You should have seen the look on his face!” “Why do you act like you know me,” I asked. “You don’t remember Zoro I’m...” she was cut off by a little girl jumping over the wall. 

I recognized the little girl as the one I saved nine days ago. She unwrapped some rice balls and held them out to me. “Eat,” she said, “I made these myself!” “What are you doing you could get in big trouble for this. You should get out of here,” I whispered to her not wanting to get her caught. To late Helmeppo walked into the yard and spotted the little girl. He walked up to her and said, “Ooh rice balls!” He ate one but spat it out and said, “They’re to sweet! Your supposed to put salt in these!” “I thought they would taste better if I put sugar in them,” the little girl said softly. He nocked the rest of them out of her hands and stomped on them. “You know you could get into real trouble for helping a criminal,” he said. He called for one of the marines and said, “Throw her over the wall!” The marine whispered into the girls ear and she rolled up into a ball. The marine than picked her up and threw her over the wall. 

The women noticed Helmeppo was close enough to reach with her foot so she kicked him HARD. “You are a terrible person!” she scolded kicking him again. Helmeppo’s hand connected with her cheek and I said, “That’s no way to treat a lady.” He than punched me and left. “Your punches are weak,” I shouted after him. I looked at the woman and asked, “Are you okay?” “Yep,” she said as if nothing happened. “He’s a big douche bag,” she said, “Who would abuse children?” “A humongous douche bag, who doesn’t have a life,” I answered. 

“I’m Okami Soranohi,” she said. That’s when everything clicked as I started to remember. “Your Okami my best friend from the same orphanage,” I said. She smiled and nodded, “Nice to see you again Zoro!” “Nice to see you too!” I said. “So how’s your swordsmanship coming along?” she asked. “I’m getting better,” I answered. Then a kid with a straw hat jumped over the wall. “Hey pirate hunter Zoro join my pirate crew,” he said. Did he really just say that? “Seriously?” I asked. “Yep!” he said. “Why would I join a  pirate crew?” I asked. “I’ll bust you out of here,” he said. “What’s your name?” Okami asked. “Monkey D. Luffy,” he said, “What’s yours?” “Okami Soranohi,” she said, “Now get out of here before Helmeppo comes back.” “Do you want to join my crew Okami?” Luffy asked. “No,” she said. “Can you get that for me?” I asked motioning to the muddy rice balls. “You want to eat this? Here you go,” Luffy said putting the food into my mouth. I chewed and swallowed. “Tell the little girl thank you for me,” I said. Someone on the other side of the wall called to Luffy and he left. 

(Luffy’s P.O.V)

We walked the little girl home and talked to her. “Is Zoro really bad?” I asked. “No he’s only in there because he killed Helmeppo’s pet wolf. I tried to shoo the wolf off and it tried to attack me. That’s when Zoro killed it,” the little girl said. “What about Okami?” I asked. “She beat up Helmeppo when he was beating up a little boy,” she answered. “So the only bad people here are the Morgan’s,” Coby said. 

Helmeppo walked down the street and everyone bowed. “I’m goi

The Heart Of A Swordsman (A Zoro Love Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant