All eyes on him

189 7 14

you were sitting quietly in form, stuffing your brain with knowledge of your Science textbook. Your other friend Da-eun  interrupted you.

"Y/N LOOK HES HERE" screamed Da-eun making you jump out of your chair

"Da-eun,i know your obsessed but you dont need to-" you stopped as your  eyes met his  

You thought to yourself, "wow he is good looking, no you shouldnt fall for him, you need to focus" you talked to yourself quickly.

"Students, this is Beomgyu, He will be joining us today, make him feel welcome!" Your form tutor said

Everyone ran to him like he was food, they were too obsessed with him. You didnt care though, since you thought you had better things to do.

"Y/n, he has the same classes you, help him out" da-eun mouthed

You pray that shes joking but she isnt.

As the bell rings, he needs help but Bora  tries to help him and starts being annoying

"Hey Beomgyu, im Bora,its so nice to meet you, let me help you out" she tried so hard to be nice but she failed miserably.

Beomgyu ignored her since he could detect that she was annoying.

As you sat down, your teacher introduced him to your Music class.

" Beomgyu, let me find a spare seat for you, ahhh ha, seat next to y/n, the girl with glasses" your teacher said, her name was Mrs Aurburn

You said  a quick hi, since you wanted to concentrate on work.

Su ho, who was the most annoying boy in your class, tries to talk to you.

"Su ho , please dont talk to me, i dont have time for your little schemes" you stated

" why do you always hate me" he said.

You ignored him as usual, since you knew he is a waste of time

Your teacher gave you a project, you had to sing with your partner, which was beomgyu. You had to pick a song which was due next week.

You were scared, you have never sang before front of everyone, you had stage fright

Class ended and you walked to computer science alone.

"Oh look who it is, it must be wannabe wednesday addams" said the unknown girl

"Hana,maybe if you would stop using gel on your hair, people wouldnt think you dumped oil over yourself" you shot back

" what a bitch" said one of Hana's friends

What does me wearing braids got to do always do with wednesday?

You didnt care much though, you just wanted it to get over with

1 hour passes by

"Bell rings"

And it was break time

Attention| beomgyu x readerWhere stories live. Discover now