You, Me, & Steve* (Eddie & Steve)

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You smile across the table at Eddie, pursuing another slice of pizza from the pie between you. His face is stuffed with a huge bite, cheeks full and a stupidly large grin on his face. There's grease on the corners of his mouth and a string of cheese hanging over his lip. You chuckle lightly before taking a bite of your slice.

He speaks around his mouthful, "It's great, right?"

"Mhm," you hum, chewing your slice thoughtfully, "'S good."

You set the slice on your plate, dusting off your ringed-up hands as you pick at the slice of pepperoni hanging off the side. Eddie tilts his head as he sets his own slice down, rubbing his hands together before wiping them on his jeans. They were his good jeans, the ones that only had the one small hole across the knee.

"Babe," he calls your attention, raising his brows and offering a small smile. "You okay?" He looks at you through his bangs, reaching over the table and brushing his fingers over your knuckles.

You look up at him and smile, "Yeah, perfect."

You feel his shoe tap against yours under the table and laugh. You return the kick lightly. "We playing Footsies now?" you raise a brow, laughing when you feel his foot kick you again. And then you are playing Footsies as he continues to nudge you here and there, the both of you at war under the table.

A small fit of giggles erupted from you as you gazed at Eddie, his big brown, doe eyes staring back as he laughed rambunctiously. You could have wished a thousand wishes for this moment. You can't believe that it's finally you and him, and him and you. Just you.

And his friend Steve.

Steve Harrington plops down in the seat right next to you with a pie in hand, laughing lightly at the scene he'd walked into. Your light-heartedness fades slightly as you glance at him with a tight smile.

"Playing games without me?" he quips as he sets the second pizza on the table. It's loaded with toppings, and he immediately scoops a slice onto his plate, giving the both of you a large grin. Yours is forced as you return it, Eddie's is easily reciprocated with nothing but his usually strange bubbliness.

You don't even know what his whole deal with Steve is. He's always around now. Before, you could snag plenty of hours with Eddie where it's just the both of you alone. But now, it seems like you can't shake Steve.

Eddie would ask, "Hey, you want to go catch a movie?" Then you'd say yes and be on your way to a drive-in and see Steve Harrington coming to join.

Then Eddie would ask, "Hey, you want to go out? Get some food and come back?" You'd say yes and be on your way. Then Steve fucking Harrington would show up once more.

Eddie notices you space out and looks at you again. "Hey, you okay?"

"Hm?" You look at him quickly and offer another tight smile. "Yeah, fine."

You'll be better when Steve leaves so you can hang out with your boyfriend alone.


You're filled with a little bit of hope when Eddie asks you out again later on in the week. You'd just hung out with him and Steve all day. You are hoping Eddie has gotten his fill when he asks you if you want to get ice cream with him. You are excited as you get in his van alone, and then drive to the ice cream parlor alone, and then enter alone.

Your mood is ruined when you spot Steve waiting for the both of you in a booth. He flashes you both that huge grin and beckons you over. Eddie greets him happily and brings you both to go sit. You're seething, but you hide it well.

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