Going with the wind

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It was a starry but odly dark night. Everything was already quiet just a small blowing wind. And there he was on the dorm balcony. Blue haired young man with pigtails sitting and looking down. Usually he went on the balcony just to smoke but not this time. Now it was his time for an end, at least that's what he thought. The blue haired guy in his life only loved one person, it was his roommate that even now was late to the time they said to be back. But have someone ever loved Venti? No he was always just alone looking for freedom. He realised no one is going to be there for him long ago but still tried to live for his love. Regardless how hard he wouldn't try it can't bring happiness, the young man got sick of the constantly feeling worthless and unloved so finally, he decided to end it. He took out his phone looking at the time "3:28.. Xiao..late again..." he said to himself. The one he was waiting for wouldn't even show up so Venti turned off his phone, took off his shoes and stood up on the balcony barrier. Feeling the wind gently caresse his face. Venti closed his eyes and started to bend towards the empty air. "Is this the freedom I always looked for?" After these words he just dropped down from the 5th floor. Against his luck he didn't die imidiently, just layed on the brick for few more minutes and only then died from blood lose. No one could help him now, only in the morning some passing by student saw it and called help. But obviously after the whole night it was already too late. Xiao haven't come back home till the evening but when he got the news he was devastated "If only I was there, if only I told you how much I loved you". The man started crying in the same room with few days before he laughed with his now dead friend. He was gone now no turning backs. Xiao thought about doing the same as his loved one to see him again, but he didn't. He knew that he needs to live for both of them. And maybe when he gets old, when he nearly forgets then he finally gets to tell Venti what he felt.

One night- XiaovenWhere stories live. Discover now