✨Regret pt.1✨(💙???)

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soon the ball would be done and it was the slow dance Jason was nervous and started to feel regretful. Nova tried getting him to dance but he made sure he didn't have to. He ended up running away from her and bumped into Craig and Craig said "Hey Jason shouldn't you be with nova?" "Well um I N-nova uh" Jason stutter an answer. Jason ran again! Once the ball had ended Jason thought that he was safe and didn't have to see nova ever again but he was wrong because when he got to the creek the next day nova was crying near the trading tree with a bunch of kids surrounding her.Lots of people have him a dirty look. He was confused so he went to the secret keeper because he knows all secrets and once he got there the secret keeper said " I'm the secret keeper not the secret giver!" And that's all he would say so Jason left.

Jason went to some people who he didn't want to go but he thought they could give the answer.

Jason showed up at the stump and no one was there so he stood outside the stump until Craig Came out he fell out of his chair thing and screamed for a good minute.

217 words


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