Chapter One

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Luke wipes a fake tear as he watches Michael and Calum put their suitcases in the trunk of Calum's car, getting ready to start their road trip. "Oh, stop it, Luke. You honestly should've gone into drama." Calum sighs, shutting the back of the car, turning to face his two friends, hearing Michael giggle at the blond's antics. "You better be a big name when we get back, up there with Gucci and Versace." Michael challenges Luke, and Calum snickers at the sentiment. The scoff from the blond earns him a glare. "I'm being serious," Michael adds, the smile on his face contradicting his tone.

After tight hugs and many well wishes, the two are off, excitement fueling the adventure. "Where are we going first?" Michael asks as they start to leave New York City, the scenery starting to flash by in heaps of cool grays and dull hues. "Wherever the road takes us, Mikey," Calum answers as they go into the Holland Tunnel. "Oh fuck. I fucking hate this tunnel, like why does it have to be underwater?!" Michael panics as he starts to pick at his cuticles. "It's ok, Mike. There's no traffic right now, we'll breeze through. I don't know why they couldn't have built a bridge, seems like it would've been so much easier." Calum eases, his relaxed tone makes it seem like they aren't under the fucking water right now. "Look, there's light, see? Not that bad." Calum grins, seeing the light on the other side. "It took us twenty minutes to drive that, no traffic or anything." He adds as they emerge onto land.

They stay on Highway I-95, paying the toll every sixty miles or whatever the fuck it is, getting off at some point, Michael didn't pay attention. He was listening to Calum talk about art, and half listening to Blink-182 in the background, watching the green forests merge into suburbs and then back to trees. "You hungry?" Calum asks, looking at the signs for food. "Dude, I'm always hungry, you should know that by now." Michael laughs, also looking at the signs. "Fair enough, fair enough." Calum agrees. "Ok, so if we get off at the next exit, and stay on Highway One, there is a McDonalds, or Chick-Fil-A, which one?" The brunette questions as he makes to get off the highway. "Which one is closer?" Michael asks in pure hunger. "Easy there, dude. Maccas is closer if that's what you want." Calum informs his passenger.

Soon enough they're pulling into the Mcdonald's drive-through. "We've made pretty good time, considering we're already almost in Pennsylvania and it's only one-thirty," Calum says, and yeah, even though they have no actual timeframe or travel date, they've done pretty well today. "Yeah, our goal is where? For tonight?" Michael asks as he munches on a fry, watching Calum contemplate an answer. "How about we try to get into a cheap hotel in Pennsylvania for tonight, if not there, right on the edge, that way we can go to like, Hershey Park or Philadelphia, somewhere like that, yeah?" Calum shares and Michael is finally starting to feel the hype of this trip. "Oh yeah, Hershey Park for sure, get free chocolate." Michael agrees immediately. "Oh god, you are an actual child," Calum concludes as Michael starts laughing loudly.

It's not long before Michael is sending a picture of the Welcome to Pennsylvania sign to Luke, the sun starting to set behind it. Calum finds a hotel not too far from Hershey, just on the other side of Allentown, which was a beautiful place to drive through. "Ok, we make camp here and move out at first light." Calum jokes as they head inside, Michael shakes his head at his friend's stupidity but smiles nonetheless. As Calum gets a room for them, Michael texts Ashton.

You guys having fun?

Oh yeah, just got to a hotel in a place called Krumsville. Not joking.

You're in Viktor Krum's town, dude.

Leave it to ashton irwin to make a Harry Potter reference. How's Luke doing

He'll be ok. He's a little sad, but he's happy that you guys are trying to stay young

He's literally the youngest???

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