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Third Person POV

With each passing moments, Captain could feel the defeat in his bones. He grunted as pain shoot in him as he stood up again. The sunlight on him had on warmth in it.

Tony and Thor were both still on ground breathing heavily.

"Cap?" The familiar yet distant voice came from his earpiece. Confusion filled him. 'Did it.. did it really work..'

"On your right Cap."

He turned to his right and saw a familiar orange portal opening revealing Dr. Strange, The Guardians, Peter and... Isabella.

"Isa..." Hearing the name Tony also turned immediately as the familiar face came into his view. 'She is here.. she is finally here.'

Hundreds of similar portals filled the sky as the people of Wakanda, The Sanctuary and everyone who disappeared came forward.

A hand on his shoulder snapped Captain America from his daze as his eyes met the familiar eyes of his goddaughter.

Determination filled him as he called out to the Mjölnir, "Avenger...... Assemble!" and charged forward to free the world from the grasp of Thanos.


Isa watches in horror at Thanos wears the gauntlet again. 'No.. not again.. never again..' She flew towards him.

While Captain Marvel tried to mistantle the gauntlet, but Thanos took out the power stone and punch her hard backward.

Isa saw Tony glance towards Dr. Strange as he pointed a finger.

Disbelief and Horror filled her at the realization as she flew faster towards them as Thanos reinstalls the power stone into the gauntlet. 'I am sorry.' as she passed the information to her A.I.

Isa and Tony reached Thanos at the same time, but Thanos flunked them both backwards.

"I am inevitable!" as Thanos snapped his fingers. But nothing happened and he flips his hand to see the gauntlet empty.

Isa breathes heavily as she softly lands away from everyone. She looks up and sees Tony as his eyes teared up and he shakes his head.

"I am so sorry.." she softly whispers into the earpiece.

She turned her hand as her suit rearranges itself for the stones to fit in. A purple forcefield pulled up around her to keep others away.

She looks up to Thanos as her eyes glowed purple brightly, "And I am my father's girl. See you in hell." as her middle finger snapped against her thump.

Thanos army turned to dust as he watched his defeat in despair. He sat on a broken rubble as he laughed in mockery. He glanced at Tony, "I might have been defeated but you haven't won too. The world might rejoice the victory while your heart will beat in regret." as he turned to dust.

The purple forcefield disappeared and Isa dropped to her knees as she felt her insides burning up in pain. Tony immediately rushes towards her with Pepper and Peter.

"Why Isa?! Just why?" Tony clenches his jaws as Thanos last words rang into his mind like a broken record.

"I.. I couldn't have let you die... The world needs you dad... more than they need me... I am sorry but i had no choice..." Isa says as her eyebrows furrowed in pain.

"I.. I love you guys." as she breathe out her last breath and her eyes lost its shine. "Nooo! Isa.. Isa please.. " Tony broke down with Isa in his arms.

Everyone around slowly dropped to their knees in respect for the one they all lost. What shocked them was, Isa's lifeless body slowly started to fade away in the dust.

"No...no..no.. What's happening!" Tony yelled up... it felt like a horror film in replay infront of him. Last time on titan, she faded away in his arms.. and again she faded away but thia time forever...


"Here lies Isabella Venessa Stark.
A wonderful daughter, sister and friend.
Genius, Witch, Billionaire, Philanthropist."

"Here lies Natalia Romanova.
A wonderful daughter, sister, and friend.
The red in my ledger has finally faded."


A.N.- I felt my heart breaking while writing the last scene🤧.

So its a rewritten version! and i feel like its quite more better than the first one honestly.. so enjoy!!

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Finally, if anyone doesn't like something, please everyone has their own preferences... and yours is welcome too, but no need to be ruse about that...


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